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Go to HomepageReel Number: H0873-02
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 2003,2000s
Country: Iraq,USA
Location: Umm Qasr
TC Begins: 10:08:59
TC Ends: 10:18:12
Duration: 00:09:13
Iraq War - Color, 2003, Operation Iraqi Freedom: Entering & Supplying Iraq 26Mar03; Air Operations 22Mar03 26Mar2003 POV from inside Humvee / HMMWV in convoy towards Umm Qasr. Low Angle / LA of gunner in open top. MCU driver looking at map while driving. 10:09:29 CU passing sign: Warning You Are Approaching The Border of Iraq. UN trailer. 10:09:34 Line of stopped parked cars w/ lights on; soldier talking w/ boys beside road, shakes hands. Small kids waving. CUs giving thumbs up. 10:10:21 POV passing mud bricked village houses & wall, kids waving & calling. 10:10:30 Large semi-trucks & trailers w/ crates & goods parked; CU Iraqi driver untying rope; American soldier on top of trailer. 10:10:56 Canadian soldier SOF to camera: “The government of Kuwait has provided these boxed meals (CU w/ Arabic writing & flags) as you can see from the label its got the Kuwaiti flag representing the government of Kuwait & in Arabic it says a gift from the people of Kuwait to the people of Iraq inside is some bread, canned milk, meats, some cheese & some mango juice. And hopefully this will provide one days nourishment for one person & it will help them out during this critical period. 10:11:30 Stacks of cartons of water on trucks. Canadian soldier talks about role in getting resources from Kuwait to people of Iraq...trying to set up distribution point. 10:12:49 Black 10:13:01 22Mar03 Unid. desert airfield. CU tail of parked refueling plane (KCA-135 ?) no AMC B0129, another taxiing past; MS towing plane, taxiing in background. LS landing & taxiing in CU. Fighter jet (F-14 ?) taxiing r. to l. F-18 passing in front of several KCA-135 aircraft; taking off. Another, wheels up. 10:16:30 AWACS Boeing E-3 taxiing past other aircraft moving & parked. Taking off l. to r. 10:17:33 USAF New York Air Guard C-17 large cargo aircraft taxiing Military Invasion; 2000s; NOTE: Partial or entire sold at per reel rate.