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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221651-02
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1961
Country: Canada,Congo,Ireland
Location: Africa,Dublin,Kamina
TC Begins: 10:09:20
TC Ends: 10:15:35
Duration: 00:06:15
Irish Troops Return Home From Congo, 14-15Jan61 R2 of 2 Slate: 15Jan61, Kamina, Congo. US Air Force MATS plane, C-124C taxiis w/ hangers behind. Front doors open & ramp descends. 10:11:22 Kamina. C-124C Motors start, man up ladder into nose of plane, plane begins taxiing. 10:12:17 LS C-124Cs w/ front doors open; MS men unfolding ramp ends. Irish troops run off w/ rifles. LS kneeling on tarmac w/ rifles. Men carrying boxes off plane, load into truck. 10:13:25 Dublin, Ireland. C-124C taxiing into place on damp tarmac, man guiding. 10:13:54 Press photographers & others watching. Front doors open, MS men down ramp carrying rifles & bags. Man holding carved ivory souvenirs. Troops waving; milling about in front of plane. United Nations Peace-keeping; Ireland; 1961; Homecoming;