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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220749-06
Color: Colour
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1964
Country: Japan,Vietnam
Location: Bienhoa,Tokyo
TC Begins: 11:08:00
TC Ends: 11:15:18
Duration: 00:07:18
Japan / Vietnam stock footage LS, bridge across moat at entrance to the Imperial Palace. Night. Neon signs in the Ginza area. (excellent) Day, Low angle Tokyo Tower. High angle vehicular traffic on the Ginza at the corner of Harumi Dori Ave. LS, bridge to Imperial Palace as above. 11:10:09 Night, Neon signs in the Ginza area: NEC, Mitsubishi w/ logo. Dawn, Tokyo Tower. Olympic Swimming and Gymnastic Stadiums. The National Athletic Stadium. 11:11:47 Immense steel frame building under construction in the Akasaka area. Traffic on modern highway in the Akasaka section of Tokyo. LS, the ultra modern Otani Hotel. 11:13:18 Slate 01Nov64 Ambassador Maxwell D Taylor And General William C Westmoreland, Comd Us Military Assistance Command, Inspect Vietcong Damage. Bienhoa Air Base, South Vietnam: 01Nov64: 176': A Vietcong group attacked the airfield with heavy-mortar fire. Six B-57 jet bombers, two Viet aircraft and CH-314 helicopter were destroyed. Eight other B-57s were damaged. A USAF officer briefing Ambassador Taylor and Gen Westmoreland on the extent of the damage. Int, damaged barracks showing rubble. Ext, row of damaged barracks. Smoking rubble of a completely destroyed plane. Damaged jet engine of B-57. Pan, B-57 with ripped-out section extending the length of the aircraft. LS, MS, Gen Westmoreland being interviewed by newsmen. US airmen sweeping debris for removal from field. Excellent quality