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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250215-09
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1953,1950s
Country: Japan,USA,USSR
Location: Kadena AB,Okinawa
TC Begins: 03:13:06
TC Ends: 03:24:22
Duration: 00:11:16
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: Korean War - 1953, Japan: Captured MIG-15 Test Flights Title. 21Sep53, High angle / HA captured MIG-15 w/ USAF 616 on nose, towed on rainy runway. 03:13:59 Airmen in hanger looking at parked plane; towed out of hanger. USAF specialists standing talking Major General Albert Boyd, Captain Tom Collins; Major Chuck Yeager. Standing around plane; fueling & pilot in cockpit. Talking on ground & looking at aircraft. 03:15:31 Rear w/ stabilizers & rudders demonstrated; pilot into cockpit & starting unit plugged in, chocks removed & taxiing tests begin. 03:16:58 Captain Collins into plane & taxiing for take off, F-86 chase planes follow & in air. Aerial air to air of MIG flying, banking, wheels down & landing, parking & CU of gun barrels. Lowering & looking at ammunition / shells. 03:20:24 Test static firing on ground. Officers talking. 03:20:54 Chuck Yeager in cockpit & putting on helmet. Taking off. In flight above clouds from various angles. 03:22:18 Performing roll. Circling air base; fly overs. View of landing from chase plane. Pilot helped out of cockpit, signing flight report & talking. 03:24:14 The End Enemy aircraft; USAF Testing; USSR Aircraft; NOTE: Narration describes both tests & pluses & minuses to F-86 fighter jet aircraft. NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. Good quality & sound. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: