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Last Bomb - Stock Footage Reel 2

Reel Number: 220876-08

Color: Colour

Sound: SIL

Year / Date: 1945

Country: Japan,Pacific,USA

Location: Pacific

TC Begins: 09:28:40

TC Ends: 09:34:10

Duration: 00:05:30

Last Bomb - Stock Footage Summary: Coverage of World War II USAF bomber and fighter missions; preparations for missions at Guam; interior views of aircraft on missions; GI activity at Guam; and animated illustration of routes to Japan. (Shot list to follow. Airfield activity - B-29s taxi and take off. Interior cockpit. More take offs. INT cockpit of B-29, showing bombardier waving hand. Four B-29s -- bombs away - AV taken through bomb bay doors as bombs drop over coastline of Japan - Camera pans with bombs showing bomb burst in target area. AV through heavy layer of smoke showing bomb burst. AV over damaged area.. B-29 coming in to land. POV from cockpitS V formation of B-29s (T). 9) AV of target area. 10) CU as P-51s peel off, turn completely over on back. Landing and taxiing of a B-29 as seen from the cockpit. MS & CU crew members conversing in front of aircraft. Formation of four B-29s in flight

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