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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250200-01
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1963,1960s
Country: USA
TC Begins: 20:00:10
TC Ends: 20:27:31
Duration: 00:27:21
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: Military - Color, 1963, Cold War: USAF Military Preparedness & Civil Defense Film Main titles; 20:00:41 02:00:46 Montage: Air Force / AF men at console w/ red telephones & alert, take notes. AF General speaking into red telephone, gives coded information in multiple parts. Airmen run out of bunker, to pickup trucks & to aircraft on flight line & board. General continues talking. Pilots buckle up; CU siren; men run from suburban houses & leave for airbase. Woman & child beside boxes in shelter; B-52s taking off w/ much smoke; fighters take off, overhead. ICBM rising into firing position; Airmen to B-52 & taxiing. 20:04:41 02:04:46 AF officer lecturing to civilian women & Boy Scouts in auditorium, shows Fallout Shelter sign. 20:05:07 02:05:12 Diagram of military base & town. Atomic blast animation w/ flying debris, fires & damaged AF planes. Fallout from cloud falling across airbase. Alpha, Beta & Gamma rays illustrated & effect on types of construction. CU Fallout Shelter signs & medical supplies. 20:07:05 Aircrew trained beside B-52. Medical officer lecturing to airmen on first aid, bandaging, firefighting. 20:07:45 CU emergency alert card given; ECU instructions. Other briefings. Family lectured on civil defense; Various AF tasks, duties. 20:09:25 Great Effort exercise Disaster Control Plan shown & meetings w/ civilians lectured; helmets passed out. Umpires lectured & given cards to indicate injuries. Command Post battle staff meeting, officer reads exercise problem. Officer calls for weather to arrive at fallout arrival time; signal of fallout & families hurry to shelters; traffic control & dependants arrive & enter. Family into basement; school classes into building; Airmen checked w/ geiger counter. Meeting discussing problems. 20:15:06 Umpires to pay telephones; CU dialing rotary dial. Operators at switchboards Various men repeatedly calling on phones. Umpire puts sabotage notice on pickup truck. 20:15:51 Second problem presented to command post controller who calls HQ meeting & repeated to group. Alert sounded, men run for cover from planes. Simulated crash by setting oil fire on edge of base. Signs: damaged; destroyed; etc. put on buildings & equipment. Damaged areas mapped by severity of damage. Air Force / AF ambulance backs up & medics unload simulated casualties; damage assessment teams report by radio. Controllers receiving reports & transmit to Command Post; men dispatched, fire trucks, debris clearing equipment dispatched. Simulated victims checked for injuries; various materials checked for radioactivity by geiger counters & laboratory testing. 20:22:10 Contaminated people to showers; equipment & airplanes washed down & scrubbed. CU reports. 20:23:24 B-52 tire changed; tarmac crews rotated while preparing aircraft for sortie launch. Sentries guard planes. Airmen charting fallout. 20:25:31 B-52 taking off l. to r. 20:25:45 AF officer speaks to camera SOF explaining exercise planning for attack. 20:26:15 Stocking civil defense shelter w/ barrels of water, large containers of supplies. 20:26:43 Line of five B-52s turning at end of runway, taxiing. GOOD 20:26:46 Montage: fighter taking off; rocket launched; B-52s take off over camera. 20:27:22 The End. Cold War; Civil Defense Training Film; SAC Air Defense; Disaster Prevention Practice; Nuclear Warfare; NOTE: Any continuous 14 minutes sold at per reel rate. GOOD Color & coverage. FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: