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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250069-01
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1945
Country: Germany,USA
Location: Dachau,Ludendorff Bridge,Munich,Remagen,Rhine River
TC Begins: 16:00:00
TC Ends: 16:18:39
Duration: 00:18:39
Post-WWII - Color, 1945, Germany: P-47s; Dachau; Munich; Airfield; Aerials of Ludendorff Bridge & Remagen Cathedral w/o roof, tower w/ flag. Unid. flags over modern government building. Unid red, white, black flag flying on chimney. 16:01:11 Air to air of P-47 fighter planes in formation both directions over farm fields, forests & airfield. 16:04:50 Slate: illegible. 16:04:553 MCU Mechanic working on P47 fighter plane motor; in cockpit. CU moving stick. Slate: Sgt Davolt. Mechanic check voltage on grass. MLS & MCU cleaning motor of plane. 16:06:11 Flash slate: Dachau. Mack. Oven seen w/ light. 16:06:36 CU inmate, forearm w/ tattoo number; MS pulling up sleeve to show. 16:07:00 Illustration / drawing of German guards torturing prisoners by hanging by arms; beating w/ clubs. Name & address of artist. 16;07:54 Jeep past statue w/ painted graffiti: K.Z. Dachau - Velden - Buchenwald... I am ashamed that I am a German (trans. from German) on Feldherrnhalle / Feldturnhalle. (scrawled 28May45). People riding past on bicycles. 16:08:17 Silhouetted eagle on swastika w/ destroyed roofs of buildings behind. Roman statue from behind, destroyed buildings beyond. MCU destroyed building along street, pedestrians & others past. LS of front of Felderrnhalle w/ pedestrians across. Swastika above plaque w/ eagle on top. Plaque commemorates 16 Nazi party members shot in 1923. 16:10:28 View up river past Munich bridges & buildings. 16:10:37 Pedestrians past heavily damaged buildings, tilt up to two domed towers on Gothic church / Frauenkirche w/ clock faces. 16:11:21 Man lettering name My Reverie on P-47 fighter plane; CUs man, name. 16:11:53 Slate: Camera: Davolt. Many USAAF P-47 crewmen & pilots walking across airfield w/ dog, some on bicycles. Various distances. 16:15:18 Airman / officer in dress uniform walking w/ cane out of ?? on rooftop overlooking airfield. 16:16:01 Slate: Lt. C.E. Nerpel. 16:16:02 Aerial circling over Rhine River & destroyed Ludendorff bridge at Remagen, Germany. Flying over fields & other destroyed bridge. Post-WW2; Concentration Camp; Atrocities; NOTE: Any 9 continuous minutes sold at per reel rate.