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Pre-WWII - 1941 ca, US Air Defense Exercise - Call For Volunteers

Reel Number: 221068-05

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1941

Country: USA


TC Begins: 15:20:04

TC Ends: 15:30:36

Duration: 00:10:32

US Air Defense Exercise - Call For Volunteers Scenes at US airfield during recruitment film defense exercise w/ snatches of natural sound. Troops running to planes - firing anti-aircraft gun - single-engine fighter planes stationary on runway - LS taking off - probably Curtiss P-40E “Warhawk” fighters. CU fighter taxis past camera. Good shot of pilots running from hangar across airfield & climbing into planes - taxi away from camera. VS aircraft fly overhead, some at low altitude - noise of engines. Good shot of P-40s taxiing towards & past camera w/ checkered hangar roofs in BG. MS two pilots run to planes, one puts on parachute backpack - taxi away. Troops w/ anti-aircraft machine guns & heavy guns outside airfield hangar - P-40s fly over. MS ground crewman helps pilot into cockpit of fighter - cockpit closed. Firing machine gun. 15:26:37 P-40s dive towards & past camera - heavy guns aimed & fired. Planes in flight in hazy sky. 15:27:55 HA shot baseball game in progress w/ crowd noise brief. 15:28:12 USAAF General Hap Arnold at microphones in front of Curtiss P-40: “what you have just seen is an actual demonstration of the task which we must perform in the defence of our country against enemy attack from the air. Obviously this cannot be done without the wholehearted cooperation of a large number of citizens volunteering their services”; statement repeated twice in CU. 15:29:37 Further shots of pilot climbing into plane - P-40s taking off & flying over - anti-aircraft guns firing. Good. Pre-WWII; Pre-WW2; Military Aviation. AAF - Army Air Force.

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