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Project Excelsior - Part 2 of 3

Reel Number: 220792-03

Color: Colour

Sound: SIL

Year / Date: 1960

Country: USA


TC Begins: 10:20:42

TC Ends: 10:33:07

Duration: 00:12:25

Project Excelsior - Part 2 of 3 - Kittinger’s stratospheric balloon jump Coverage of Project Excelsior including scenes of high altitude parachute jumps, dummy drops from balloon, jumps from C-123 and C-130 aircraft, preparations for flight and Capt Joseph Kittinger jumping from balloon. Man jumping from C-130, free fall and parachute deployment. Horizon from camera carried by jumper. Jumper falling with stabilisation chute and landing. 10:23:00 Capt Kittinger walking out of transfer van. Night - Kittinger breathing oxygen, putting on equipment and getting into gondola on a truck. Preparations for attaching gondola to balloon. Sign: THIS IS THE HIGHEST STEP IN THE WORLD. Inflation of balloon. Crane lifting gondola off of truck. Release of balloon and lift-off of gondola. CH-21A (H-21A) helicopter in flight over launch area. Balloon and gondola rising. Kittinger in gondola. Balloon and gondola rising. 10:30:29 Kittinger stepping out of gondola and falling away from camera. Horizon from split-frame camera carried by Capt Kittinger during jump. Kittinger on parachute.

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