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Target Zero, Saigon Rl 2/2

Reel Number: 220749-12

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1968

Country: Vietnam

Location: Saigon

TC Begins: 11:53:09

TC Ends: 12:06:42

Duration: 00:13:33

Target Zero, Saigon Rl 2/2 Pro-American Vietnamese psychological warfare production covering 1968 TET offensive on Saigon with emphasis on the role of ARVN (Army of the Republic of Vietnam) psychological warfare teams in defeating VC forces. Street scenes in Saigon in preparation for TET festival: market; praying to ancestors. Saigon under attack and buildings burning incl aerials. Vietnamese leaving city during siege. US/ARVN troops in house-to-house combat. Vietcong prisoners being taken. Saigon radio station on fire. 11:53:09 Dead Vietcong. 11:53:34 Interrogation of VC prisoners. Captured weapons of Chinese or Russian origin. ARVN psychological warfare team in combat area. Vietnamese civilians, including wounded, leaving combat area with belongings. Saigon fire department putting out fires. Vietcong surrendering. More Vietcong corpses, wounded and captured weapons. Refugees. Combat. Medical care for wounded Vietcong. 12:01:06 Interrogation of captured Vietcong looking distressed. Captured weapons on display. Rubble in combat area and Vietnamese searching through debris. Care and feeding of Vietnamese in refugee camp incl. children. Medical care of refugees. Refugees eating. Children playing. Large trucks remove debris. Saigon traffic with people cycling and tuk-tuks. LS street corner. Aerial Saigon. Film is grainy and scratched throughout

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