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UFO Interview

Reel Number: 221059-04

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1966

Country: USA


TC Begins: 01:25:58

TC Ends: 01:30:07

Duration: 00:04:09

UFO Interview Interview with USAF officers Lt Col Lawrence J Tacker & Major Hector Quintanella Jr. re Project Blue Book - objectives “to try to determine if the UFO phenomenon presents a threat to the security of the United States...to see if the UFO phenomenon exhibits any technological advances which could be channeled into USAF research & development”. Mentions unsolved cases at Wright-Patterson AFB. Deny USAF hiding information from American public “nothing in the records to indicate we have been visited by any advance civilisations”. Most UFO sightings from “patriotic citizens who have been mystified by what they have seen”. Suggest astronomers best placed to interpret what they see. “Other countries place the burden of truth on the observer and not on the Air Force”. Aliens. Extra Terrestrials. Hoaxes. Legends. Myths. Science Fiction.

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