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Go to HomepageReel Number: H2187-03
Color: Colour
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1952-1975
Country: USA
Location: California
TC Begins: 03:51:38
TC Ends: 04:03:10
Duration: 00:11:32
USAF UFO Sighting, California, 1952 - 1953 LS of three unidentified flying objects followed by cluster of UFOs. 03:53:39 29Jul52 Alert (on film). Radar 03:54:16 Daytime high aerial down thru scattered clouds to farmland. 03:54:24 Slate: 26Jul. Mission: GCI Signpost. 03:55:06 29Jul52 Alert (on film) Repeat as above. 03:56:23 ?? pencil & finger pointing to ?? 03:59:39 Cluster of objects 04:00:27 Pencil pointing to sewing machine needle & colored threads. 04:00:46 Bird; splice; multiple white saucer-shaped objects (birds?). 04:01:46 Two objects across sky behind oil derrick. 04:02:20 MCU man in cowboy outfit smoking cigarette with UFO in background across sky. Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs), including purported Flying Saucers 1952 - 1975; Oddities; NOTE: To be useful there needs to be more research done at NARA.