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Viet Cong Film Captured During Operation Junction City (1967) R2 of 2

Reel Number: 250018-05

Color: Black and White

Sound: SIL

Year / Date: 1960s

Country: Vietnam

Location: Tay Ninh

TC Begins: 10:55:34

TC Ends: 11:21:45

Duration: 00:26:11

NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: www.footagefarm.co.uk or contact us at: Info@Footagefarm.co.uk Viet Cong Film Captured During Operation Junction City (1967) R2 Seated men. Viet Cong w/ camouflage running across road toward & past camera; watching overhead, crossing fields. Cutting up metal drums, hammering, welding. Older women hoeing, clearing among debris (may be of cemetery). 10:58:40 Men carrying large bomb through jungle on poles. Hammering & undoing fuse. Planting mines in road & along trail. 10:59:58 Men run thru jungle and put supplies ?? pillbox. Digging tunnel. Removing dirt. 11:01:08 Large number of men working on ammunition (camera has shutter problems) 11:01:38 Camouflaged soldiers across clearing; walking along trail in sandals past camera (GOOD). 11:02:42 MCU Blowing bugle; Viet Cong soldiers run past. Firing rifle in jungle & running, wearing camouflage. Across meadow & firing machine gun. CU feet past camera. CU of antipersonnel mine being set up (says: front, towards enemy). Other Viet Cong boobytraps. 11:04:22 Black slug. 11:04:30 Viet Cong building road barricade w/ trees, branches etc. Night or dusk. 11:05:09 Black slug. 11:05:25 Building boobytrap by covering pit with bamboo or saplings & leaves & dirt. CU shoveling dirt, stamping into place. Setting mines alongside and covering with dirt. Putting stakes into pit & covering w/ light branches & leaves. 11:07:24 Black slug. 11:07:33 Planes overhead. Viet Cong moving thru jungle. In trenches w/ light machine guns; firing but empty sky. 11:09:48 Man giving demonstration on anti-personnel mine to troops in black. Same type as 11:04:?? 11:10:11 Black slug. 11:10:17 Large group at training session in jungle w/ man reading from front. Banner over stage may refer to 12/66. CU listening, applauding. Men at table making electrical parts by soldering & fixing etc. Salvaged? Testing telegraph key. 11:13:10 Black slug. 11:13:17 Tree branches, CU of US military radiosonde transmitter, pictures of American kids, ID card, medals all displayed on black blanket. CU of leaflet Thanh Tich Dhien Dau Cua Doan 37 22.12.1964 - 22.12.1966 Tilt down poster. 11:14:58 Viet Cong in tent reading flyers. Hanging up on line. Lessons at tables in jungle. 11:16:03 Leveled field, cut tree trunks w/ boobytraps. Tall trees w/ fruit. Rice paddies. Planes overhead. People digging, burning rice remains & preparing paddies. People w/ rifles in fields planting. People soldering tin cans and filling w/ gasoline or ?? for roadside bombs or mines. 11:19:10 Woman distributing leaflets to people in clearing. Reading while smoking. Sign: Bien-Hoa Dong Xuan etc. Van w/ many people in it. Indoctrination lecture in clearing. Woman lecturing. Vietnam War; Anti-Imperialism; Revolution; Cu-Chi Viet Cong Tunnels; Construction; Education / Propaganda; 1960s; NOTE: Any continuous 14 minutes sold at per reel rate. R1 on 250017. 1 frame of black tape on film at 11:02:15:12. Video interruption 11:03:42:10 - 11:03:42:16. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: www.footagefarm.co.uk or contact us at: Info@Footagefarm.co.uk

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