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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250079-05
Color: Colour
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1967
Country: Vietnam
Location: Iron Triangle
TC Begins: 12:34:55
TC Ends: 12:39:38
Duration: 00:04:43
Vietnam - 1967, Operation Cedar Falls, War Zone C, 10-20Jan67 R5 of 5 (Partial?) Troops removing sacks of rice from Viet Cong storage area, unloading rice from APCs in clearing, piling sacks on cargo sling -- sacks are labeled in English, and some have US aid program insignia. CH47 helicopter arrives, CU attaching sling. CH-47 lifting sling w/ sacks & flying off. 12:36:37 LCVPs on river. 12:36:47 Slate: 20Jan67. POV on board, dead Vietcong floating in river, soldiers aboard LCVP pointing M60 & M16 toward shore intercut w/ CU Vietnamese man at wheel. LS Boats on river. 12:37:43 Leader. 12:37:53 Slate. 18Jan67 Cedar Falls. 12:38:02 Troops assisting walking soldier w/ head wound to medevac UH-1D; others carrying wounded soldier on stretcher. 12:38:09 APC w/ track damage. Troops treating wounded, onto stretcher w/ tag & carried off; wounded into UH1D medical helicopter & lifting off. 12:39:11 Slate: 18Jan67 Damaged APC w/ troops. ABRUPT END - may be partial reel. Vietnam War; Iron Triangle; 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment Activity; US Army; Military; Wounded; Medics; NOTE: Operation Cedar Falls began 08Jan67 & ended on 28Jan67.