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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250199-04-P1
Color: Colour
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1972
Country: USA,Vietnam
Location: Tan Son Nhut Air Base
TC Begins: 18:52:46
TC Ends: 19:26:29
Duration: 00:33:43
NOTE: to order see: or contact us at: 1972 - Color, Vietnam War: USAF Airmen Being Processed; Aerial Bombing, 08-19Dec72 Card 1 of 2 Slate: 13Dec72 Base Closure / Cease Fire Sgt. Lydic. 18:52:52 Airmen into room, given paperwork; sit at desks. Put paperwork folders on shelf & checked by multiple airmen. Signing off on papers. Sign behind officers: In-Out Processing CBPO 377 Air Base. 8 sec. slug. 18:55:38 Slate: 08Dec72 Base Closure. Camera: J. Summerfield. 18:55:51 Workmen in front of trailer / containers w/ plywood over windows, large P&H crane set up, hooking up lifting cables. Smiling South Vietnam airman. 20 sec. slug. 18:58:23 Slate: 15Dec72 Camera: J. Summerfield. 18:58:29 Ext. Quonset hut w/ bicycles in front, two American troops out. CU sign: Data Control Rm No. etc. 18:59:03 Sign: CU 377th Air Base Wing Consolidated Base Personnel Office (CBPO), airmen in. Repeated w/ more in/ out. 9 sec. Slug. 19:00:49 Slate: same. 19:00:55 Men at processing counter, one giving instructions. Two airmen. Row of officers. CU man filling out paperwork, CU man receiving. Others watching. CU pulling folders; CU hand taking pill bottlers. Black Slug. 19:02:15 MS & CUs airman filling out paperwork, sweating. Various forms. Woman taking/handing forms, CU writing. Slug. 19:03:39 LS of airman & suitcase, inspecting contents & closing. Men packing crates w/ uniforms. Vietnamese man packing ceramic souvenir elephant w/ cushioning, nailing crates & gluing label. Rolling down conveyor. 19:06:04 Slate: same. Slug. 19:06:22 Crate off conveyor & weighed, CU Vietnamese; labeling crate w/ paperwork; strapping w/ metal. 19:07:33 Pushing crate onto truck. Addressing w/ marker. LS Loading on truck. 19:08:42 CU sign: MACV Special Troops APO 96222 Personal Property Division Hours of Operation... 19:08:51 Crates outside building; Loading dock sign. Slug. 19:09:18 Slate: same, 19Dec72. 19:09:23 Asphalt road, entrance banner sign: R&R Processing Center, Camp Alpha, airmen walking past vehicles, van past; jeeps into base, army bus leaving. Slug. 19:10:11 MS airmen past MP at guard post, show papers. CUs. Slug. 19:10:49 Airmen out of unmarked glass doorway. Empty mlitary bus arriving & men in uniform w/ briefcases out & boarding. Inside bus. Convoy of buses past in parking lot, 19:13:30 Slate: Same. 19Dec72. Slug. Slate. Slug. 19:13:51 Slate: 05May70 France. Low aerial over jungle, white explosion clouds; flames of explosions. 19:15:01 Continued on card 2 of 2 Vietnam War; Base Closing; NOTE: Probably at Tan Son Nhut Air Base. NOTE: Any continuous 17 minutes of 2 cards (18:52:46 - 19:26:29) sold at per reel rate. NOTE: to order see: or contact us at: