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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250046-02
Color: Colour
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1965
Country: USA
Location: Florida
TC Begins: 18:10:47
TC Ends: 18:20:32
Duration: 00:09:45
Vietnam War - 1965, Homefront, Peace Parade, Florida Slate: Camera: Prudhomme. View past American flag in breeze to marchers. A few people following on sidewalk. Camera on car w/ sign: One Nation Under God. CU feet on pavement; MCU Color Guard of men in white shirts, helmets & carrying rifles & flags. MCU. Marching behind car. 18:11:27 CU sign: Better Dead Then Red. 18:11:30 MS Man in suit at microphone speaking, MOS. People on stand saluting & pledging allegiance . Band in red uniforms; clean-cut spectators in suits; man at podium. CU boys & women applauding. Woman at microphone from in front & behind. CU men in helmets. Small boy w/ sign: “Lodge: Peace Demo’s help Viet Cong.” Various shots applauding; people at mic, others seated on stand, American Legion Color Guard, 18:12:42 Man in Abraham Lincoln costume at mic. 18:12:55 Slate. Parade across bridge w/ marchers w/ signs: We Love America etc. Marching units of young kids, high school band, etc. Honor Guard. CU drummers. 18:14:28 Slate. Sign route 50, 520, Cocoa, Cape Kennedy; Kennedy Space Center, Titusville. CUs. 18:14:45 Slate. Low angle of marchers w/ signs, cars w/ Veterans of Foreign Wars women w/ signs; others; marching units. Sign: Our USA, Right or Wrong. 18:19:21 Sign: Kiwanis Island, marchers passing. Americana;