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Go to HomepageReel Number: H1661-04
Color: Colour
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1968
Country: USA,Vietnam
Location: Pleiku AB
TC Begins: 16:38:01
TC Ends: 16:46:43
Duration: 00:08:42
Vietnam War - 1968, Hometown News Release, AC-47 Crews, Pleiku AB, 08Nov68 Slate: 08Nov68 MS AC-47 on tarmac, CU of nose art: ghost, Spooky. MCU three miniguns out side windows; CU from inside of barrel. CU nose art. 16:39:12 Slate: same, camera: Miller. Black airman / pilot, Capt William L. Ivy, inspecting plane 45-1121 flown by B flight of the 4th Special Operations Squadron (4th ACS aka Air Commando Squadron, renamed 4th SOS aka Special Operations Squadron) Pleiku Air Base. 16:40:46 Slug. 16:40:56 Slate: camera: Ortiz . 1st Lt Lyle A. Sproul inspects same plane as above. 16:42:12 Slate: same, Miller. Pilot Mike / Michael L. Smithson; crew member checking and servicing aircraft; 16:43:23 Slug. 16:43:53 Slate: same, Miller. Charles A Ragan, flight mechanic, w/ check list inspecting motors from wing of 45-1121; onto ground. 16:46:35 C47 aircraft taking off. Puff, the Magic Dragon;