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Go to HomepageReel Number: H1874-06
Color: Colour
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1967
Country: USA,Vietnam
Location: Bien Hoa AB
TC Begins: 06:36:44
TC Ends: 06:59:27
Duration: 00:22:43
NOTE: to order see: or contact us at: 1967 - Color, Vietnam War: Operation Junction City, 834th Air Division Activity, Bien Ho. 22Feb67 Night, bombs being loaded on wing pylons, including loading of Mk.82s on F-105s. CUs. 06:39:19 Paratroopers put on chutes, wait to board C-130As just before & after sunup. 06:41:40 Paratroops wait by C-130Es at dawn & French news correspondent being helped with her chute & checking her still camera at rear of C-130E. Boarding rear of C-130E. Static shots of C-130As including No. 2 engine start of one C-130A. 06:44:06 Flash slate: Camera Munson. 22Feb67. LS C-130E taxiing -- No. 4 engine of another C-130 in foreground. Cargo on pallets being pushed aboard C-130. 06:46:15 Sign: WELCOME TO BIEN HOA AB Home of... 06:46:45 Slate: Camera ??; 22Feb67 LS pan right to many C-130s parked on flight line -- loading equipment & rolling stock in foreground, daylight. Paratroops wait beside C-130s, put on chutes & boarding C-130A. 06:49:16 Slate: 22Feb67 Camera ?? C-130A engines starting, airmen talking on headset, C-130E propeller turning, C-130 crew door closing. 06:50:40 C-130As starting to taxi out. 06:52:03 Take offs past camera. 06;53:09 Pallets of cargo pushed onto C-130. MS & CUs. 06:54:20 Slate: illegible.4 Paratroops waiti & board C-130; C-130s wait to taxi out. LS tarmac activity, planes taxii. 06:56:21 C-130Bs taking off to left past camera. 06:56:58 Slate: 22Feb67 Camera: A3C??. Pallets of cargo, trailers backed & cargo pushed on to C-130. Airborne NOTE: Joint Army/Air Force Operation Junction City began 22Feb67, first U.S. combat in Vietnam, with emphasis on airborne operations & only major airborne operation of Vietnam War. NOTE: Any continuous 12 minutes sold at per reel rate. NOTE: to order see: or contact us at: