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Vietnam War - Color, 1968: Antique Airlines, Tan Son Nhut AB. 26Apr-12May68 R1 of 3

Reel Number: 221740-01

Color: Colour

Sound: SIL

Year / Date: 1968

Country: Vietnam

Location: Tan Son Nhut AB

TC Begins: 15:00:03

TC Ends: 15:27:28

Duration: 00:27:25

NOTE: FOR ORDERING see: www.footagefarm.co.uk or contact us at: Info@Footagefarm.co.uk Vietnam War - Color, 1968: Antique Airlines, Tan Son Nhut AB. 26Apr-12May68 R1 of 3 Slate: Camera, Lt. Mead. Antique Airlines. 15:00:29 Aerial of TEWS / Tactical Electronics Warfare Squadron EC-47 in flight over countryside, below clouds. MCU camouflaged EC-47 w/ AJ 123 on tail (bouncy); leaflets being thrown from open door, smooth. 15:02:52 Slate: Roll R30C-8X-2236. 6/8/49 360 TEWS 11May68 Camera: Nakaishi. 15:02:54 EC-47 taxiing, turning onto runway; LS taking off to left. 15:04:00 Slate: Roll R30C-8X-2244. 11May68 Camera: Rodriguez. Pan w/ EC-47 takeoff, climb to left. 15:05:20 Aerial down on farmland, road, wooded area & river w/ few bomb craters. 15:05:52 Cockpit view from behind silhouetted Lt Col Alan B. Thomas at controls of EC-47. 15:07:36 Slate: Roll R30C-8X-2610. 6/8149 Camera A/C Woods. 15:07:39 MCU in side window of Lt Col Thomas & co-pilot in EC-47 cockpit -- simulated aerial view from outside cockpit. 15:08:59 Slate: Roll: R30C-8X-2612. Interior w/ navigator & radio operator at stations, navigator marking chart, pressing button, & making notations on read out from Franklin printer. CUs. GOOD. 15:11:40 Slate: Roll: R30C-8X-2621. Camera Lt. Mead. 15:11:49 MLS EC-47 parked on tarmac, AJ 313 on tail. Lt Col Thomas and crew boarding aircraft. Repeat in MS. 15:13:13 EC-47N nose section (name: I MUST GO) w/ Wile E. Coyote. No. 2 engine starting in foreground. 15:14:01 Black (censored?) 15:14:34 Slate: illegible. MCU from over shoulder of navigator at station, looking at Bendix Doppler unit & marking chart. 15:17:27 Slate: illegible. Radio operator at station; looking at Sanders ARD/18 panel. Side door w/ protective straps & airman tossing out leaflets. 15:19:10 MS Fireguard signaling during engine start. 15:19:37 Slate: Roll R30C-8X-2621 (?). Lt. Mead. 15:19:41 ECU EC-47 right landing gear; airman removing chocks. AJ 313 EC-47 taxiing out. turning thru right frame. 15:20:57 View of plastic covered sandbags (?) & Lt Col Thomas & crew leaving 360th TEWS building, repeat. CU Sign: 360TH TAC ELCT WARFARE SQ HOME OF “ANTIQUE AIRLINES” COMMANDER LT.COL JOSEPH P. MARSIGLIA. 15:22:06 Slate: illegible. Navigator & radio operator at stations, navigator wearing pistol & ammunition belt looking thru drift meter, looking at Bendix Doppler panel & marking chart. 15:24:53 Title: Secret - to be shown to Authorized Personnel Only. Group 4 Downgraded at 3 year intervals. 15:25:09 Slate: illegible. Instruments on Bendix Doppler panel w/ Remote Compensator labeled. 15:25:50 Radio operator typing & speaking into microphone (MOS) USAF; Air Force; Reconnaissance; Surveillance; NOTE: Any continuous 14 minutes sold at per reel rate. NOTE: 360th Tactical Electronic Warfare Squadron (TEWS) aircrews in support of Combat Cougar (airborne radio direction finding) utilizing the EC-47 specially equipped for the mission. 6994th Security Squadron were in charge of electronic equipment monitoring radio traffic of Vietcong & North Vietnamese troops. NOTE: FOR ORDERING see: www.footagefarm.co.uk or contact us at: Info@Footagefarm.co.uk

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