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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221741-17
Color: Colour
Sound: SIL and SD
Year / Date: 1968
Country: USA,Vietnam
Location: Saigon,Tan Son Nhut AB,Tri Thanh
TC Begins: 17:59:07
TC Ends: 18:29:25
Duration: 00:30:18
NOTE: FOR ORDERING see: or contact us at: Vietnam War - Color, 1968: Antique Airlines, Tan Son Nhut AB. 26Apr-12May68 R2 & 3 of 3 MOS CU crewmen listening to briefing. 17:59:49 12:38:26 Slate: 11May68. MLS airmen listening, get up & leave. Repeated. 18:02:06 12:40:41 SOF Slate: same. Camera: Rodriguez. MCU of officer giving briefing in front of map warning of enemy fire near Tri Thanh (?); Saigon activity; Mekong River activity. Repeat several time. 18:07:10 12:45:44 SOF Slate: same. Lt. Col Alan B Thomas describing joint mission of 360th, Combat Cougar, previously Compass Dart re using EC-47 to gather electronic transmitter information / fixes & reporting it. Talks about Bendix Doppler to fix position of aircraft to 1/10th mile, Sanders ARD-18 to pick up stations; & Franklin Printer to collate Doppler & compass positions & prints onto paper tape (censored as secret). 18:10:28 12:49:01 SOF. Slate: same. Thomas continues, repeats. Describes operation by men. 18:14:11 12:52:52 SOF. Slate: same. Thomas repeats w/ closer coverage. 18:16:03 12:54:49 Slate, same. MOS talking to camera. 18:18:41 12:57:13 Slate, same. MOS talking to camera. Slate & continues. Slate & continues. Zoom in on mascot logo of tiger in rocking chair. Secret on board. 18:21:45 13:00:18 SOF Slate: Same. Talks about number of fixes on a mission, high of 39, average of 15. Since beginning Apr66, supported every major engagement, contributes 90% of real-time intelligence; etc. of three squadrons in South Vietnam. “We make no public reference to these programs”. 18:23:46 13:02:22 SOF Slate: Same. Repeat. 18:26:01 13:04:33 (beginning of R3) MOS CU of radio operator (?) speaking into mic on headset. 18:26:19 13:04:54 Slate: 12Jun68 Camera: Sgt Washington. Secret, removed. 18:26:38 13:05:11 Pilot in window from outside plane (simulated on ground). 18:27:30 13:06:07 Slate: same. Interior of plane w/ man at equipment (Sanders ARD-18 ?). CU operator. USAF; Air Force; NOTE: Any continuous 14 minutes sold at per reel rate. NOTE: 360th Tactical Electronic Warfare Squadron (TEWS) aircrews in support of Combat Cougar (airborne radio direction finding) utilizing the EC-47 specially equipped for the mission. 6994th Security Squadron were in charge of electronic equipment monitoring radio traffic of Vietcong & North Vietnamese troops. NOTE: FOR ORDERING see: or contact us at: