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Vietnam War - Color, 1968: BA XOAI Special Forces Camp Near Cambodia. Nov68

Reel Number: H0650-01

Color: Colour

Sound: SIL

Year / Date: 1968

Country: USA,Vietnam

Location: BA Xoai,Chao Duc Province,Tinh Binh District

TC Begins: 08:00:08

TC Ends: 08:21:14

Duration: 00:21:06

NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: www.footagefarm.co.uk or contact us at: Info@Footagefarm.co.uk Vietnam War - Color, 1968: BA XOAI Special Forces Camp Near Cambodia. Nov68 Aerials: LS three UH-1Ds in flight to left over rice paddies. Circling Camp A-421 w/ buildings around & on hill inside camp boundary. 08:01:50 US / Vietnamese patrol w/ weapons on path leaving Camp A-421; POV following, MCUs. 08:02:58 High angle / HA patrol walking in camp, boarding trucks, walking thru barbed wire past stacked crates. UH-1D landing beside truck w/ soldiers; trucks leaving. MCU. GOOD. 08:03:53 USA 105mm howitzer / HOW gun crews in action in jungle & alongside fields at base of Camp A-421 hill observation post. 08:05:35 Second camera. Slate: 11Nov68 Camera: Jobmann; Unit: MACV Navy. A-421 Camp. 08:05:41 Vietnamese troops in camouflage walking across camp, leaving across bridge on path, watched by US Special Forces soldier; boarding truck w/ Special Forces watching, trucks leaves. 08:06:35 Zoom over top of jeep w/ machine gun mounted to observation post on hill in camp A-421. 08:06:45 American soldiers firing 105mm HOW; explosions on mountainside. CU aiming, firing, loading shells & firing. 08:07:56 HA smoking rising from multiple HOW firing. 08:08:28 Slate: 01Feb68 Camera: Jobmann. A-421 Camp. OH-6A Cayuse parked on ridge, advisor walking up rocky hillside, talking to pilot; putting on flak vest & getting into cockpit & helicopter taking off over tents & supplies. 08:09:23 UH-1D rotor starting, intercut w/ pilot & instrument panel. CU Gunner loading ammo belt into M-60 machine gun in door of UH-1D. US & Vietnamese patrol boarding UH-1D; four UH-1Ds taking off. 08:10:57 Patrol thru brush & across dry paddy. 08:11:31 UH-1Ds landing at Camp A-421, US / Vietnamese patrols leave helicopters & displaying captured VC weapons. 08:12:44 Medevac UH-1D landing, wounded Vietnamese being carried to UH-1D; leaving area. 08:13:27 US / Vietnamese patrol posing & displaying captured VC weapons. Crossing bridge to Camp. 08:14:29 UH-1D landing at dusk. Vietnamese board UH-1D, aboard helicopter, leaving helicopter & walking thru elephant grass, UH-1D takes off in distance; view from helicopter over grass & jungle 08:15:39 Dusk, CH-47B in flight w/ lathe & drill press underslung from helicopter, releasing load. 08:16:01 Aerials of wooded areas, small explosions & small boats on canal or swamp; two OH-6As hovering over area. Red / purple signal flares & raising man on sling (not seen) among tree branches. 08:18:22 MCUs Vietnamese patrol displaying captured VC weapons; UH-1Ds landing, patrols off & entering Camp beneath BA Xoai sign. 08:20:55 Aerial MLS of UH-1D in flight over rice paddies. CU Advisor talking to member of patrol. Special Forces; Green Berets; Vietnamization; Civilian Irregular Defense Group / CIDG; NOTE: Any continuous 12 minutes sold at per reel rate. Very good color & action. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: www.footagefarm.co.uk or contact us at: Info@Footagefarm.co.uk

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