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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221063-01
Color: Colour
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1968,1966,1960s
Country: Dominican Republic,Thailand,USA,Vietnam
Location: KHE SANH,Tapao,U
TC Begins: 07:00:00
TC Ends: 07:29:00
Duration: 00:29:00
Vietnam War - Color, 1966: Fighting, M-107 Firing; Westmoreland & Troops; Howitzers Firing; Night Battle Scenes; B-52 Bomb Drop, Daytime; B-52D U-Tapao, Thailand. US Army troops / gun crews loading large projectiles & firing M-107 175mm self-propelled heavy gun from revetment - LS & CUs. Howitzer from revetment, then Howitzer turning to fire in another direction. MCU soldier on field telephone. GOOD sequence. 07:02:37 Slug. 07:02:47 US Marines in sandbagged position on perimeter, changing barrels in .50 cal MG, then firing. Smoke on ridge in distance. 07:04:32 LS High Angle / HA Men in trench; moving across brushy field. MCU men in trenches, one w/ litter over shoulder. 07:05:09 Marines in flak vests making purchases from sandbagged PX module - cigarettes, pens & paper (?). 07:07:17 Slug. 07:07:38 MCUs Four-star US General William C. Westmoreland addressing small group of officers & troops in field near jeep; into helicopter, sitting. Helicopter lifts. 07:08:43 Westmoreland out of jeep, greeted & addressing larger group w/ hand-held microphone. Slug. 07:09:45 Slate says 07Dec66 should be ‘68? Loading / moving ammunition, shells; LS & MS 1st Cavalry troops firing M-102 105 mm Howitzers. Black soldier on field telephone. 07:10:21 Slate: same. Helicopters fly over tents. INT fire control tent, MSs showing officer on radio & troops checking calibration charts to direct artillery fire. 07:11:16 LS CH-47 Chinook helicopter drops supplies & leaves. 07:11:22 Slate: same. Troops firing M-102 & reloading. CUs & MSs. Slug. 07:12:17 Night scenes: Flares descending & flashes of gunfire / explosions on horizon little visible. 07:16:19 Slate says 13Mar?? Slug. 07:16:56 CU from fixed camera in B-52 bomb bay, showing doors open & 500 lb Mk 82 GP bombs hanging w/ light clouds below. Many bombs being salvoed / falling, doors closing. Slug. 07:18:14 Night scenes of flares descending & flashes of gunfire / explosions on horizon. 07:19:19 Slate: Proj. SFP 1697 - Strategic Mission UN - 19Mar ??. Cameraman: MSgt Thurston; Director: Lt. Col. Gavey. 07:19:31 CUs In front of B-52D bomber at U-Tapao, Thailand airfield, engines starting in revetment. 07:21:04 Slate: same. 07:21:19 Day. MS & LS B-52Ds taking off at U-Tapao, overhead & toward camera, pivot showing ocean. 07:23:00 Overexposed slate: 20Mar. 07:23;09 Night shots B-52Ds taking off at U-Tapao - mostly too dark to be usable. Slug. 07:26:46 Slate: same but Remote camera (?), 24Mar68 (?). MCUs explosions among shrubby brush on field. 07:28:03 B-52D bomber taxiing towards camera, wing passing over camera. 07:28:40 Opposite direction B-52D taxiing over camera. USAF / Air Force Bombers; Military Aviation; 1960s; Fighting; 1968 Battle of Khe Sanh(?); NOTE: Any continuous 20 minutes sold at per reel rate. NOTE: NARA describes this as Khe Sanh battle (21Jan-09Jul68) however we suspect that is incorrect.