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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221063-02
Color: Colour
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1968,1960s
Country: USA,Vietnam
Location: KHE SANH
TC Begins: 07:29:08
TC Ends: 07:53:13
Duration: 00:24:05
Vietnam War - Color, 1968: Khe Sanh, South Vietnam Siege. 24Feb-29Feb68 MCUs Marines coupling hose to fuel bladder in dugout, then opening valves and fueling UH-1H helicopter; sandbag put over broken pipe; CUs of leaks, faces, nozzle into helicopter, etc. 07:30:37 UH-1H landing & refueling. Crowd crew working w/ bladder, valves & hoses. 07:31:22 Slate: illegible except for Khe Sanh. 07:31:24 MS of USMC M-76 amphibious cargo carrier driving L. to R. 07:31:30 MS casualties being placed aboard UH-1H and CH-46B helicopters in sandbagged positions. 07:31:56 CUs 8 men removing & stacking very long crates from CH-46B. 07:32:22 Slate: Camera R.J. Stewart, 29Feb68 - 1st MAW, Da Nang, RVN. Missions by CH-53A, Mission 20 Up North. (to Khe Sanh?). View out bottom hatch of CH-53A down to sling carrying heavy cargo (truck, trailer, and netted crates) seen spinning; then depositing cargo on ground & unhooking. 07:32:49 INT helicopter in flight past machine gunner. 07:32:55 From cockpit past pilot over camp; from ground (?). High altitude aerials of cargo chutes descending; Truck suspended form helicopter in flight. AVs of area. & airfield. Cargo chutes descending. 07:33:58 POV from helicopter as it takes off leaving fuel barrels on ground. Camp past door gunner. LS & PoV helicopter taking off w/ jeep hanging beneath above revetments. POV jeep or truck below. 07:34:32 Flash slate 27Feb68, Khe Sanh. Camera J. Stewart. Marines filling sand bags, then stacking them around communications van. 07:37:27 Slate: 24Feb68. Khe Sanh Activities. Roll 2. 07:37:32 Smoke rising outside perimeter; bandaged Marine in FG. MLS firetruck foaming burning vehicle. Marines in sandbagged area look at damage. 07:38:07 MS to LS, Marine O-1 light plane taking off past CH-46B (?). CUs demolished, burned UH-1 helicopter in revetment. LS CDS drop from C-130. CUs damaged CH-46 helicopter in revetment. Explosions. 07:39:12 ELSs, pan F-4s dropping napalm & GP bombs, explosions. 07:39:42 UH-1 lifting off & flying away some film scratches. 07:40:15 Slate: n.d. Khe Sanh activities. Marines removing sealed mortar rounds from boxes of canisters in sandbagged position. 07:40:56 Burning CH-46; C-123 taxiing L. to R. in foreground, then fire truck arriving & foaming helicopter. . 07:42:33 Slate: same, Stewart, 27Feb68. CUs spotters w/ binoculars watch fire. LS of drop from C-130. 07:43:09 MS to CU, three Marines run across field toward camera & thru wire into perimeter & trench. CU Ohio State Flag atop bunker. Marines digging & sandbagging bunker. MG gunner & spotter behind sandbags. M-29 81 mm mortar being fired. A-1 attack planes dropping napalm. 07:45:30 Men board CH-53A transport helicopter in revetment; MCU rotor blades turning; fueling; Pov takeoff past gunner); troops deplaning at Khe Sanh. HA pan shots of Khe Sanh & airstrip. Supply drop. ELS aircraft making rocket-firing pass - explosions. MSs Marines digging in trench & filling sandbags. 07:48:27 F-4 fighters & A-1 attack planes drop napalm, explosions. 07:49:30 USMC M-101 105 mm Howitzer loaded & fired. CUs men patching holes in leaky fuel bladder. 07:50:26 Airstrikes outside perimeter. O-1 plane over; napalm explosions. 07:50:53 USMC O-1 light observation plane refueling in revetment. C-130 supply drop. O-1 taking off; casualties onto CH-53A. Burning wreckage on airstrip; mechanical mule past. CH-53A lifting off into mist. Fighting; Battles; Defending;