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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221769-07
Color: Colour
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1968,1960s
Country: USA,Vietnam
Location: Bien Thuy AB,Phan Rang AB
TC Begins: 21:53:36
TC Ends: 22:10:09
Duration: 00:16:33
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: Vietnam War - Color, 1968: Fulton Recovery System Demonstration, Oct68 Airman on ground opening recovery gear container, unpacking gear, inflating balloon & playing out line. LS parachute & gear container, Very Good color. 21:54:40 Man in recovery harness looking at instructions. Men in plane setting up equipment. CU lettering on partially inflated balloon. 21:55:37 Two men on ground in heavy coats waiting for retrieval. Balloon overhead & C-130E overhead w/ balloon above. 21:56:13 Soldiers watch two men zipping up recovery coveralls. Plane overhead. Man in plane retrieves bomb-shaped weight on line. Shots of plane overhead; one has object behind (man?). Leader. 21:57:35 Slate: 01Oct68. Fulton Recovery System. Ssgt C.E. Lyons. Aerial above airbase w/ men in open rear door; LS of man hanging from rope beneath plane being winched aboard. Two men assist him into plane & removing coveralls, MCU smiling. Out of plane & smiling on airstrip; greeted by officers & given glass of champagne. Murray (?) on uniform. Handshaking & talking as men watch on airstrip. 21:59:43 CU Hook-shaped pin/medal. Leader. 21:59:48 Slate: same except camera: ?? 22:00:03 Parachute landing w/ cannister; C-130E overhead. Leader. 22:00:40 Men in rear of plane watching man on rope after snagging over airfield w/ crowd on ground. Slowly winched in. Fulton (?) in plane. 22:01:05 CU front of C-130E w/ recovery yoke moved into place. CU rope in rollers. 22:01:57 Slate: 29Oct. Plane overhead w/ recovery yoke seen catching rope 22:02:40 Slate: same. Men in rear door holding lines; planes in revetments below; holding weight on line. Changing drum w/ cable & pulling into plane onto drum. Repeats & men pulling in cables. Pilot view of yoke & cable. 22:04:37 View from front of plane across yoke w/ airbase buildings below; catching line; pilot seen. CU hands on controls. 22:05:31 POV approaching airstrip; ships in river beyond. Cable into yoke & yoke folded back. Leader. 22:06:09 Men on ground inflating plastic balloon. Man in retrieval coveralls beside cannisgter & inflating balloon. 22:07:27 MCU man waiting to be retrieved, lifted up Slate. Ferniza (cameraman?). End slate. 22:07:45 Slate same. Airman unpacking canister as others watch, opens & removes instructions & packets in heavy rubber coasted canvas including retrieval coveralls. Dark, puts on coveralls, unfolds balloon. USAAF Rescue Experiment Demonstration; 1960s; Inventions; Inventor; NOTE: Good color; choppy & out of sequence; others upside down. Disjointed. Sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: