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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250192-02
Color: Colour
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1969
Country: USA,Vietnam
Location: Can Tho
TC Begins: 04:26:30
TC Ends: 04:43:13
Duration: 00:16:43
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: Vietnam War - Color, 1969: Dustoffs (82nd Med. Det, 45h Medical Company) 29-30Apr69 Soldier & medic give preflight inspection to UH-1D MEDEVAC helicopter. Medic boards the UH-1D & it takes off from revetment. 04:27:32 ARVNs rush wounded Vietnamese soldier on litter to UH-1D; others helped to UH-1D. Litters loaded; view from UH-1D as it takes off & flies low past people on dirt road & countryside. 04:29:00 Illegible slate. Wounded ARVNs unloaded & carried to waiting ambulances. 04:30:05 View from UH-1D as it takes off & flies over Can Tho, over low buildings of city. 04:30:22 UH-1D medical copter being refueled; Dustoff - Boc Trang insignia visible. 04:31:05 More ARVN wounded on litters carried & loaded; some dead in body bags are put aboard. 04:31:30 Dead & wounded unloaded from helicopter & refueling. 04:32:24 POV from UH-1D as it lands. Wounded ARVN is placed on litter; UH-1D gunship circles overhead. 04:32:49 Wounds of Vietnamese soldiers examined on metal runway. Wounded seated in helicopter, inspected. ARVN carried on litter to ambulance. 04:33:56 Slate: 28Apr69 . Camera: Hawkins. Roll 4 Can Tho. POV from UH-1D as it approaches purple signal smoke of US Navy boat w/ helicopter landing pads, men crouched on deck; wounded Viet marine helped aboard helicopter. Shot from helicopter as it takes off from boat. 04:34:43 Civilian on litter is rushed to copter on metal runway. Shot from copter approaching smoking signal grenade. USAF officer directs landing. Injured boy on litter w/ drip attached. POV copter low over terrain. 04:35:44 Pilot in helicopter on ground given drink. Village from copter as it takes off. Medic at doorway of helicopter in flight. 04:36:25 Slate: Same. POV road & ?? from copter in flight. Activity around landed copter as medic gets out. Pilot seated in UH-1D helicopter adjusts helmet. 04:39:05 CU, mud & blood on feet of wounded man on litter; medic & intravenous drip. Over two helicopters on ground. 04:39:55 Soldiers remove weapons from downed AH-1G gunship in rice paddy; damage seen. Men run & board UH-1D; silhouette of pilot at controls of UH- 1D in flight at sunset. 04:40:47 Slate: illegible. UH-1D no. 82 takes off & returns to revetment. Crew members get off. POV from UH-1D at dusk in flight (underexposed). Horrors of War; Battle Aftermath; Medics; Medical Helicopter Operations; Dead Bodies; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: