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Wings of the Army, 1923 - 1935 R1 of 4

Reel Number: 250186-05

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1920s

Country: USA

Location: Ft,Myer,Virigina

TC Begins: 14:45:06

TC Ends: 14:54:22

Duration: 00:09:16

NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: www.footagefarm.co.uk or contact us at: Info@Footagefarm.co.uk Titles over CU seagulls in flight. CS Interior aircraft in flight showing passengers. First C-54 produced w/ three tail section. Three vertical bidder sections. Headlines: Wright Flight Wright flies through the Air as a Hawk Flies 2.17 Miles in 106 Seconds. CS Orville Wright standing on boat deck. CS Wilbur Wright standing on airfield. Two Frenchmen stand w/ Wirghts pointing at area across airfield. CS Wilbur Wright placing carriage wheel beneath wing of aircraft & towed across airfield. Launching weight pulled to top of tower & launching aircraft. MLS Wright aircraft in flight. MCS Soldiers move Wright 1908 flyer near Ft. Myer, Virginia hangar building, place wheels beneath wing. MS Orville Wright & Army Lieutenant & civilian walk out of hangar. MS Men pull aircraft across field to launch position & flight over field. MS Ft. Myer Hangar w/ soldiers removing doors, President Taft & Maj Squier near front, officers & civilian spectators. Aircraft to launching rail & into position. MS Two men pull propellors. Soldiers pull rope which lifts launch weight. Orville Wright in flight. 14:49:02 CS Glen Curtiss at controls of his aircraft, CS Bleriot flying machine taking off. Wright flyer in flight over Ft. Myer. 10:49:32 CS Of Lincoln Beachy; flying Curtiss around fairgrounds track. Take-off of Curtiss Jenny. 14;49:45 Formation of five aircraft, possibly Curtiss Jenny's SNJ-4's. LS World War I battle scene. 14:50:01 Fighter aircraft diving on observation balloon; it catches fire & starts falling. 14:50:27 CS pilot's examination--pilot spun around in chair--medics grouped around. CS test table, pilot seated at desk, rows of lights in front. Instructor hitting section of buttons controlling light flashes & pilot's reaction. 14:50:51 WW I pilots undergoing basic training. Consolidated TW3 trainer aircraft or JN-4's. 14:51:24 Montage: CU loggers falling huge Spruce trees in Cascades; logs moved by cables; loaded on railroad. Wood shop w/ wood measured & inspected. Assembly line. Interior factory women painting sections of wood w/ compound, other women assembling sections of rag ribbon. CS wood worker finishing tip of wooden propeller blade. CS construction of wooden plane wing & covering w/ cloth. CS roughly completed wing section. Several wings sections, women workers working on wing. 14:52:24 Various bulk head sections constructed. CU of one of the shaping machines in operation. 67) MS interior aircraft assembling factory. LIberty motor / engine under construction. 15:53:08 DH4-B stationary w/ pilot into cockpit. DH4's in flight.. 14:53:46 Unidentifiable fighter aircraft falling. Decoration ceremonies (Gen. Pershing) in France showing pilots (Rickenbacker) receiving medal. USAAF; Air Force Promotion; History; Celebrities; Adventurers; WW1; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. Some overexposed. NOT OUR MASTER NOT USEFUL but possibly can be ordered.. FOR ORDERING See: www.footagefarm.co.uk or contact us at: Info@Footagefarm.co.uk

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