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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221583-02
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1941,1942,1943,1944,1940s
Country: Australia,Kiribati,Pacific,Papua new Guinea,Solomon Islands,USA
Location: ALASKA,gilbert islands,Guadalcanal,Hawaii,Port Moresby
TC Begins: 11:10:31
TC Ends: 11:19:10
Duration: 00:08:39
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: WWII - 1940s, USAAF History Compilation Pt. 2 of 4 Graphics, globe, US air operations seen from North Pole. Fifteen air forces of Air Transport Command. 11:11:05 Montage ATC at work including landing, loading, flying; landing in New Guinea, loading jeep & horse into transport plane. C-47 taxis on ice in Alaska where it delivered hospital - brief shot surgeons. C-47 landing in Guadalcanal & unloading shot. Battle scenes, plane over wheels up. 11:12:19 Diagram of location of US Air Forces. 11:12:43 Bombers in flight. 5th AAF in Australia. Battle of the Coral Seas - Naval ships, guns firing; bombers over. Air to ground, bombs dropped & away over sea. B-24 on reconnaissance, Japanese warships in Bismark Sea. 5th AAF scramble, planes take off. Flying at high & low altitude over sea - bombing Japanese fleet / convoy. Ships smoking. 11:14:55 Animated map - New Guinea, Port Moresby. Troops onto transport planes. 5th AAF flying supplies & equipment; evacuating wounded on return trips. Engineers arrive in Port Moresby, bulldozer, men using pickaxes. Building airstrips in jungle. Various aircraft bomb & strafe Japanese held Pacific islands & ships. Plane releases fragmentation bombs on tiny parachutes over jungle, explosions seen from ground. Planes. 11:16:57 Diagram of USAAF bases on retaken islands - New Guinea & Solomon Islands. 13th Air Force on New Caledonia; 7th Air Force on Hawaii. 11:17:25 Hawaii - Hickham Field entrance, control tower. Night shot bombers of 7th take off for Marshall Islands. Diagram showing Wake Island as a base against Gilbert Islands. 11:18:10 Gilbert Island advance base. Ground crew cleaning guns. B-25G equipped w/ 75mm cannon. Aircraft take off - flying in formation - firing machine guns & cannon. In low over island seen air to air. WW2 Army Air Force; 1943; NOTE: Any continuous ten minutes 11:01:00 - 11:40:56 sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: