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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220440-02
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1941
Country: Burma,Myanmar (Burma),Pacific,Philippines,USA
Location: Mandalay,Pacific,Pearl Harbor, Hawaii,Philippine Islands, Corregidor
TC Begins: 07:11:02
TC Ends: 07:22:05
Duration: 00:11:03
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: Main title Intertitles: Build New Philippines! Fight For Greater East Asia. Air Attacks Over Hawaii. Japan declares war on Dec. 8th. 07:11:35 Map of Pacific including Japan, Singapore & Phlippines, super-imposed December 8, 1941. Narration in English Japan declares war... Animated arrows. 07:11:55 Japanese aircraft carriers thru heavy storm (nitrate decomp). CUs of officers, on bridge; Navy airmen on decks to planes & Nakajima B5N / Kate & Aichi D3A / Val planes warm up,take off & aerials in flight w/ light clouds. 07:13:34 Intertitle: U.S. Pacific Fleet Annihilated! Super-imposed over Hawaii in distance & clouds. 07:13:38 Aerials over Pearl Harbor, smoke rising, bombs explode on Wheeler Field. Ford Island & explosions on land & water. 07:14:16 List: American War losses: Battleships 9; Others 11; Airplanes 464; hangers 18; Casualties 5,500. 07:14:36 Japanese aircraft in flight overhead; ships underway at sea. 07:15:11 Intertitle: La Guerre En Plus Grande Asie - La Chute De Corregidor. Aka French titles re Fall of Corregidor. French narration until end of reel. 07:15:23 Map of Manila harbor w/ Bataan Peninsula & Corredigor w/ animated arrows. French narration. Aerials of burning island (dark). 07:16:02 Japanese on to beach, up cliff & ladders on cliffs; using flame-throwers. Running w/ rifles & 07:16:27 Holding US & British prisoners. General Wainwright, w/ two British officers. Pan over harbor. Prisoners alongside caves or cliffs. Marched by Japanese. Coastal defense guns. Cave entrances & interiors of concrete. View out of block house. 07:18:20 Intertitle: Attaque Et Prise De Mandalay. (Attack & Fall of Mandalay). Map of Burma, Thailand, China, India. 07:18:36 Soldiers walking past long lines of parked vehicles. Natives watch. Japanese riding on horseback. Watering horses & soldiers (prisoners?). Truck crossing dry stream below reservoir. Japanese tanks & artillery moving thru dust. Artillery firing. 07:21:12 POV from truck in convoy passing tanks; troops marching Japanese pulling light artillery; others marching. Burned town blamed on Americans. Tanks past railroad tracks. 07:22:00 Fin / The End WWII; WW2; Pacific War; 1941; Invasion; Sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: