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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250184-01
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1940s,1942,1943,1944
Country: USA
Location: New Guinea,Pacific
TC Begins: 10:00:05
TC Ends: 10:06:09
Duration: 00:06:04
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: WWII - 1940s, Pacific: USAAF 80th Fighter Squadron, The Headhunters - P-38s R1 of 2 POV from cockpit taking off; CU hands & controls; POV out window diving low over island. 10:00:48 P-38s taxiing on airstrip. Very large formation overhead, single file & doing acrobats. Air to air in formation & singly climbing, rolling, swooping past. 10:02:43 Silhouetted soldier / airman laying in hut holding model of P-38. 10:02:50 Man standing beside door Capt. Jay T. Robbins, Commanding Officer & another puts paper w/ Major over Capt. Two men sitting on doorstep talking. 10:03:05 MS Pilot briefing in front of P-38; MCU. Pilots wearing life vests gesturing flying & laughing. Board plane, CUs. of pilots: Capt. ? Homer w/ 15 enemy markings; other unid. pilots. 10:04:08 Two natives in leaves & w/ sticks or spears to plane; pilot on wing gesturing of flying. Pilot holds decal of native to stencil on plane & shows to two natives. CU native in cockpit. 10:04:48 Two P--38s on ground w/ ground crew; CU engine running. MLS men w/ lever / bar turning front wheel. 10:05:26 CU nose of plane w/ woman’s picture & 22 Japanese flags / kill decals being polished. 10:05:39 MLS men around base of control tower; signal light. 10:05:50 Air to air of bomber flying past & above cumulus clouds. WW2; Military Aviation; Fighter Aircraft; Oddities; Gags; 1942; 1943; 1944; Ethnic Stereotypes; NOTE: Sold at per reel price. FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: