WWII - 1942, Genoa Bombed; P-38s Arrive Australia; US Rationing; Peru & Chile; FDR Christmas Message; French Foreign Legions Join Allies in North Africa
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: www.footagefarm.co.uk or contact us at: Info@Footagefarm.co.uk
10:19:49 Title: Genoa Blitzed In Night Raid By R.A.F.
10:19:52 Bomber at night on ground w/ moon in background; crew boarding plane & British Lancaster Stirling & Halifax bombers taking off. View above clouds
10:20:13 Map of Italy
10:20:19 Aircraft in flight. Flares & bombs exploding on Genoa at night intercut w/ air to air of bombers.
10:21:31 Title: Bad News For The Japs. P-38s being unloaded on dock at Australian port, down road & assembled at airdromes / airfields in northern Australia; pan pilots & crew. Taking off from metal runway.
10:22:29 Title: More Rationing To Help Win The War! Office of War Information head Elmer Davis & Food Rationing Director Claude F. Wickard at desk speak (SOF) of a plan to ration canned food by the point system; CU war ration book number two; High angle of activities inside ration board shop .
10:24:00 Title: News From South America - Lima, Peru. Peruvian President Manuel Prado standing in convertible thru streets; reviewing parade w/ tanks and jeeps celebrating three years in office.
10:24:32 Title: Santiago, Chile. Ext. People at International Exposition. Line of Rockette-like women CU saluting. President Juan Antonio Rios Morales arrives to officially opening the Carnival of Commerce. Visits USA pavilion w/ US Ambassador
10:24:55 Title: Roosevelt’s Message of Cheer! Ext. of White House w/ many people; FDR on balcony at lectern & microphones, giving Christmas message from White House, SOF re military soldiers & sailors throughout world. Views of crowd watching; military on elipse. CU backlighted FDR.
10:26:08 Title: French Legions Join Our Side In North Africa! High angle & scenes of Moroccan, Algerian & Singhalese troops in North Africa as French Foreign Legion join US forces to fight the Axis. Marching on railroad platform in review past US soldiers.
10:26:53 French Gen. Auguste Nogues & ?? laying wreath. Women, Army nurses, giving thumbs up.
10:27:17 HQ 12th AF, MS Brig. Gen. Jimmy H. Doolittle. Four-star Lt. Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower presenting third star to Lt. Gen. Mark Clark. Ike boards plane. US flag over North African ruins. The End.
WW2; WWII; Nov42; Dec42;
NOTE: Track so raspy as to probably be unusable.
NOTE: Sell at per reel rate.
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: www.footagefarm.co.uk or contact us at: Info@Footagefarm.co.uk
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: www.footagefarm.co.uk or contact us at: Info@Footagefarm.co.uk Titles. 10:19:49 Title: Genoa Blitzed In Night Raid By R.A.F. 10:19:52 Bomber at night on ground w/ moon in background; crew boarding plane & British Lancaster Stirling & Halifax bombers taking off. View above clouds 10:20:13 Map of Italy 10:20:19 Aircraft in flight. Flares & bombs exploding on Genoa at night intercut w/ air to air of bombers. 10:21:31 Title: Bad News For The Japs. P-38s being unloaded on dock at Australian port, down road & assembled at airdromes / airfields in northern Australia; pan pilots & crew. Taking off from metal runway. 10:22:29 Title: More Rationing To Help Win The War! Office of War Information head Elmer Davis & Food Rationing Director Claude F. Wickard at desk speak (SOF) of a plan to ration canned food by the point system; CU war ration book number two; High angle of activities inside ration board shop . 10:24:00 Title: News From South America - Lima, Peru. Peruvian President Manuel Prado standing in convertible thru streets; reviewing parade w/ tanks and jeeps celebrating three years in office. 10:24:32 Title: Santiago, Chile. Ext. People at International Exposition. Line of Rockette-like women CU saluting. President Juan Antonio Rios Morales arrives to officially opening the Carnival of Commerce. Visits USA pavilion w/ US Ambassador 10:24:55 Title: Roosevelt’s Message of Cheer! Ext. of White House w/ many people; FDR on balcony at lectern & microphones, giving Christmas message from White House, SOF re military soldiers & sailors throughout world. Views of crowd watching; military on elipse. CU backlighted FDR. 10:26:08 Title: French Legions Join Our Side In North Africa! High angle & scenes of Moroccan, Algerian & Singhalese troops in North Africa as French Foreign Legion join US forces to fight the Axis. Marching on railroad platform in review past US soldiers. 10:26:53 French Gen. Auguste Nogues & ?? laying wreath. Women, Army nurses, giving thumbs up. 10:27:17 HQ 12th AF, MS Brig. Gen. Jimmy H. Doolittle. Four-star Lt. Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower presenting third star to Lt. Gen. Mark Clark. Ike boards plane. US flag over North African ruins. The End. WW2; WWII; Nov42; Dec42; NOTE: Track so raspy as to probably be unusable. NOTE: Sell at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: www.footagefarm.co.uk or contact us at: Info@Footagefarm.co.uk