WWII - 1944 / 45, USAAF: 1st Air Division Bombing Highlights, Nov44-Apr45 Pt 1 of 2
Picture quality poor throughout scratched but very good content.
Opening titles plus intertitles throughout
Merseburg 02Nov44: US 8th Air Force B-17 Flying Fortress bombers in formation viewed from gun turret of aircraft; bombs dropped over oil refinery; German fighters attack formation; B-17 goes down in flames.
17:02:42 Offenburg 27Nov44 B-17 formation over marshalling yards; bombs away; explosion.
17:03:13 Berlin 05Dec44 B-17s come under fire as they unload bombs over target; good AVs of formation and flak / vapour trails; bomb hits target.
17:04:14 Mayen 02Jan45 AV smoke clouds over city.
17:04:34 Gerolstein 02Jan45 AVs over mountains; bombs hit targets over marshalling yard.
17:05:13 Krefeld 01Jan45 B-17 formation raid; bombs away, strike airfield.
17:06:10 Kassel 02Jan45 B-17 unloads bombs; AVs marshalling yard; B-17 hit by flack, LS crew bail out as wing burns; explosion on ground; CU bombs released, target hit.
17:08:20 Ehrang 24Dec44 Oil storage depot and marshalling yards hit; mushroom clouds.
17:08:53 Bingen 30Dec44 B-17 formation; marshalling yard covered in flickering of bomb strikes.
17:09:50 Berlin 03Feb45 B-17 formation drops bombs over key buildings; city palled in smoke; bombs away, city layout visible.
WW2; Aerial combat.
NOTE: Sold at per reel rate.
WWII - 1944 / 45, USAAF: 1st Air Division Bombing Highlights, Nov44-Apr45 Pt 1 of 2 Picture quality poor throughout scratched but very good content. Opening titles plus intertitles throughout Merseburg 02Nov44: US 8th Air Force B-17 Flying Fortress bombers in formation viewed from gun turret of aircraft; bombs dropped over oil refinery; German fighters attack formation; B-17 goes down in flames. 17:02:42 Offenburg 27Nov44 B-17 formation over marshalling yards; bombs away; explosion. 17:03:13 Berlin 05Dec44 B-17s come under fire as they unload bombs over target; good AVs of formation and flak / vapour trails; bomb hits target. 17:04:14 Mayen 02Jan45 AV smoke clouds over city. 17:04:34 Gerolstein 02Jan45 AVs over mountains; bombs hit targets over marshalling yard. 17:05:13 Krefeld 01Jan45 B-17 formation raid; bombs away, strike airfield. 17:06:10 Kassel 02Jan45 B-17 unloads bombs; AVs marshalling yard; B-17 hit by flack, LS crew bail out as wing burns; explosion on ground; CU bombs released, target hit. 17:08:20 Ehrang 24Dec44 Oil storage depot and marshalling yards hit; mushroom clouds. 17:08:53 Bingen 30Dec44 B-17 formation; marshalling yard covered in flickering of bomb strikes. 17:09:50 Berlin 03Feb45 B-17 formation drops bombs over key buildings; city palled in smoke; bombs away, city layout visible. WW2; Aerial combat. NOTE: Sold at per reel rate.