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WWII - 1944, France: St. Malo, Fall of the Citadel w/ Bombing & Capture of Germans

Reel Number: H1641-03

Color: Black and White

Sound: SIL

Year / Date: 1944,1940s

Country: France,USA

Location: Ile de Cezembre,Malo,Mer 9?,Servan,St,sur

TC Begins: 13:13:51

TC Ends: 13:22:28

Duration: 00:08:37

NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: www.footagefarm.co.uk or contact us at: Info@Footagefarm.co.uk WWII - 1944, France: St. Malo, Fall of the Citadel w/ Bombing & Capture of Germans Airplane low over coastal town strafing w/ exploding napalm bomb; P-38 follows. LS across rooftops & harbor / bay & black smoke columns rising w/ P-38s circling. 13:14:53 Allied soldiers in narrow city street, watching thru smoke & moving ahead past burning building, 13:15:18 MCU drunk German talking to Allied soldiers w/ ruins behind; German officers marched out of wreckage. Nazi soldiers climb out of hole beneath rubble as Allied troops watch. 13:15:56 German officers questioned; CUs. German soldiers march w/ belongings in single file over gravel. German officers w/ suitcases climb onto jeep, drive off. Prisoners of War / POWs marched thru heavily damaged town. 13:16:59 CU French civilian men in helmets (civil defense?) pose. MS w/ others in front of sign on building: Bar Americain. 13:17:18 High angle / HA pan over captured German POWs filling square. 13:17:31 American jeep past; US medics into town; German POWs walked out. 13:18:10 German troops out of hole beneath rubble; walking out of town along river or harbor. Destroyed buildings. MCU napalm bombs dropped & exploding. LS across houses w/o roofs to Citadel & smoke / fire. 13:19:37 P-38s bombing. 13:20:03 Soldiers in doorways of heavily damaged buildings. Views of US soldiers walking; German POWs walking along Rance River edge. 13:20:43 HA MS of partially destroyed village. LS of castle like tower along river harbor w/ town opposite. LS of men in distance waving large white surrender flags. 13:21:40 German officers escorted by Allied soldiers along destroyed railroad tracks. MS drunk German officer. 13:22:07 German officers & soldiers out of hole in rubble WW2; Fighting; Battle; USAAF; NOTE: Colonel Andreas Von Aulock may be seen. Bombing of Ile de Cezembre is seen. NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. Good quality. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: www.footagefarm.co.uk or contact us at: Info@Footagefarm.co.uk

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