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WWII - 1944, France, Invasion: Airborne Invasion Of Fortress Europe, The R2 of 6

Reel Number: 221769-02

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1943,1944,1940s

Country: England,United Kingdom,USA


TC Begins: 21:10:56

TC Ends: 21:21:36

Duration: 00:10:40

NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: www.footagefarm.co.uk or contact us at: Info@Footagefarm.co.uk WWII - 1944, Normandy Invasion - USAAF Glider Preparations in England Montage of training: MLS Gliders on runway; C-47s taxiing. MCU Ground crewmen run over, attach towing device to C-47 tail section of C-47 & to nose section of glider. Views of C-47s towing glider during take off; overhead. 21:12:24 Aerials of formations of C-47s towing gliders at high altitude; at extreme low altitude towing gliders. 21:12:52 CU C-47 pilot & co-pilot looking at map; shots of ground & other planes in flight. 21:13:06 View from inside glider of tow plane. CU tow release handle in glider; MCU hand, cable releasing. View of descent; another glider dropping away. 21:13:29 Ground shot of many gliders descending & landing in small open field among trees, some w/ arrestor chutes opening. Others landing in same area in dirt, pieces fall off. 21:14:28 Montage of soldiers open nose & unload equipment; move into place & firing in background. 21:15:08 Exterior SHEAF Headquarters / HQ w/ General Eisenhower & others. Int. w/ various generals briefed in front of large wall map. MCU American & British generals of various Navy, Army & Air Force branches involved in Normandy invasion. 21:15:31 MS British ground crew assembling Horsa glider. MS 9th Troop Carrier Command painting US insignia on side of Horsa. MS C-47s taking off overhead. Aerial of C-47 formations above. 21:16:06 MS C-47s flying in low across area showing two poles & pick-up rope attached between; aerial pick-up of gliders. 21:16:38 Aerial formation of C-47s overhead; interior, crew members shoving large cargo packs out, parachutes opening. MCU camera beneath fuselage showing release of parapaks attached to the underside of C-47, parachutes opening. Ground view of descending parachutes. 21:17:13 MS Pathfinder paratroopers lined up, full saddle equipment; inspected. CS of the men & their gear. 21:18:25 C-47s pass overhead training towing gliders. Released gliders turning & landing in open field. 21:19:52 Overhead of C-47s w/ tow-ropes over English farm buildings & released gliders descending; landing w/ one clipping tree branches. Gliders w/ drag parachutes landing; several damaged, some wreckage w/ equipment being removed from damaged CG-4A. CPS of area in which gliders have landed showing several gliders demolished and damaged. 40) CPS paratrooper driving jeep which in turn pulls cannon from partly demolished CG-4A type glider after practice mission. WW2; Training; 1943; 1940s; NOTE: Very good quality. Sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: www.footagefarm.co.uk or contact us at: Info@Footagefarm.co.uk

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