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WWII - 1944, Normandy Invasion - D-Day Landings & Moving Inland, 06Jun44

Reel Number: 250122-07

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1944

Country: France

Location: Normandy

TC Begins: 04:21:11

TC Ends: 04:29:39

Duration: 00:08:28

WWII - 1944, Normandy Invasion - D-Day Landings & Moving Inland, 06Jun44 Destroyer at sea - MCU Eisenhower on board ship. 04:21:26 Montgomery boards ship. USAAF in flight over Europe, gun camera, dogfight, German bomber explodes; strafing railway line and German aircraft on ground. GOOD. 04:22:10 Landing crafts hit the beach - British troops out of landing craft. Men & military equipment ashore - troops wade ashore. GOOD. 04:24:08 Gun camera / GSAP, strafing railway lines, explosions. 04:24:37 AVs gliders on ground. GV Gliders on grass, troops w/ bicycles. 04:24:55 Troops off of LCI landing craft, beachhead activities. LV Soldier shot as runs up beach. Troops into water as landing craft sinks. Shore activity by British or Canadian troops. 04:26:50 Burning German gun emplacement / bunker. German soldier up to neck in ground. Troops moving inland along railroad line. Tanks up & past. US troops moving through small town. Dead. Bomb damaged buildings. 04:28:57 Patrol walking down street next to churchyard. Old couple walking down road - old French man shakes hands w/ soldier. Armored vehicle towing gun. Soldiers in ruins of Shrine / Church at Saint Marcouf. Two soldiers crouch behind wall of large house, one raises white flag on rifle. Patrol with German prisoner of war. Pile of confiscated helmets etc. WW2; WWII D-Day Landings; 1944; 06Jun44; Battles; Fighting; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. VERY GOOD overview of invasion.

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