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WWII - 1945, Aerial Dogfights & Strafing; R&R in France; Preparations for Rhine Crossing

Reel Number: H1577-05

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1945

Country: France,Germany,Holland,Netherlands,USA

Location: Maastricht

TC Begins: 10:41:36

TC Ends: 10:50:25

Duration: 00:08:49

WWII - 1945, Aerial Dogfights & Strafing; R&R in France; Preparations for Rhine Crossing Titles. 10:42:00 Title: E.T.O. Air Support On Western Front. 10:42:07 8th USAAF fighter GSAP of hit German plane spiraling, MCU; other hits exploding in flames; dogfight. Parachute opening. 10:42:43 Strafe trains, planes w/ explosions in France, including German “piggy-back” planes on ground & in air. Airfield strafed & planes destroyed, exploding & burning. 10:44:38 Title: E.T.O. Shangri-La. 10:44:45 Sign: Rest Camp Headquarters outside building at a 7th Army rest camp in France w army trucks arriving in snow for week of relaxation / R&R. Soldiers out of truck, walk in snow into building & broomed off. 10:45:18 Int. GIs checking in rifles, sign papers; tour, CU sign: Baths. Soldiers run inside & soak in large pool of spa. Sign: Clothing Exchange, GIs inside & get new clothes. Inspect bed & sleeping. Soldier looks at clock: 10:15 & stretches. 10:46:28 GI to snack bar; buys cigarettes at PX, pinups on wall. 10:46:40 Montage: Day room w/ soldiers playing checkers, darts, pool, reading, day dreaming, napping in front of fireplace. Walk to theatre & movie. Sleighride & ski jouring behind jeep - fall. 10:47:25 Men being served by waitresses w/ band or orchestra playing. CU food. 10:47:50 Dancing, waltzing. 10:47:58 Blackboard of war news. 10:48:08 Men leaving to return to front. Signs: EMS Hotel No. 1 - Kelly; A.R.C. Corral. Waving from trucks leaving. 10:48:29 Title: E.T.O. Activities in European Theatre of Operations. 10:48:34 Map showing 1st & 3rd Army, 21st Army Group, Wesel, Remagen, Coblenz. 10:48:41 Generals Montgomery, W.H. Simpson & tall General J.B. Anderson leaving building & walking. Inspect Bailey Bridge equipment other equipment for Rhine crossing in Canadian maintained bridging dump. LCM's at Maastricht, Holland loaded for overland transport onto trucks, over roads & bridges; LVT unloaded. 10:50:04 1st Allied Airborne paratroops out of C47s in practice over France, landing. GOOD. WW2; Compilation;

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