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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220609-01
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1945,1940s
Country: USA,USSR
Location: San Francisco, California
TC Begins: 07:00:15
TC Ends: 07:10:55
Duration: 00:10:40
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: WWII - 1945, Conferences: San Francisco, United Nations Conference. 25Apr-26Jun45 R1 of 2 Titles. 07:00:58 Air to air, 4 motor USAAF plane over harbor w/ many anchored ships. Ship under Golden Gate Bridge, view from roadway; street scenes w/ traffic; cable cars; pedestrians; Navy / military; Boy Scouts. Chinatown; airport arrival of two-engine & four-engine commercial aircraft. 07:02:06 Delegates arrival including Jan Smuts; Molotov; Harriman; Stettinius; Madame Chiang Kai-Shek w/ T.V. Soong. Delegates at railroad station along platform. Airport Control tower interior. Wounded returning veterans collected from planes by line of ambulances. 07:03:36 High Angle / HA LS of San Francisco Veterans Memorial Opera House. Int. of meeting & standing delegates. Montage: VO President Roosevelt (FDR) over CUs of people, including boys looking up at flag at half staff. Roosevelt in his speech says we cannot fail & expect the World to survive again. Delegates seated. 07:04:36 Sound engineer at console; loud speakers in hall. President Truman opens conference by radio; MCU reading speech, delegates listening; applauding. Truman says conference is to establish organization to keep World peace. Delegates leaving & talking in MCUs. 07:05:37 Conference registration, CUs & MSs w/ national notes on tables; CUs delegates. 07:06:20 Committee meetings both small & large. 07:07:25 Graphic showing proposed system of UN. General Assembly - Security Council - International Court of Justice - Economic and Social Council - Trusteeship Council - Secretariat. 07:08:37 Conference in session. Delegates milling about. Smaller meeting. 07:09:28 Unloading ships at docks. Delegates viewing, talking; Molotov & large group walking thru shipyard, talking w/ workers thru translator. 07:09:54 Others view housing projects; 07:10:07 Art museum interior; sculpture; paintings of Thomas Hart Benton & Norman Rockwell. CUs. Post-WW2 Planning Conference; NOTE: Partial or entire sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: