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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250031-09
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1945
Country: Japan,USA
Location: Pacific
TC Begins: 12:54:48
TC Ends: 12:59:25
Duration: 00:04:37
WWII - 1945, Kamikaze Attacks On Carriers GVS carrier at sea; firing large carrier guns at planes in the air 12:5514 Kamikaze plane on fire thru the air; Jap plane thru flak, hits water in front of aircraft carrier. CV hit by Japanese plane. Kamikaze explodes on hitting carrier - good shot** 12:55:50 GVS men trying to put out fire on deck 12:55:58 Kamikaze low over water, black ack ack fire, shells into water. Plane hit but momentum carries into carrier w/ big explosions; men trying to put out fire 12:56:19 Plane spiraling overhead, into water. Another in & hitting close to camera ship w/ cloud of fire. Kamikaze spiraling down after hit amid flak & tracers. 12:57:00 Tracer fire at night, then massive explosion as plane hits carrier. More tracer fire at night & explosion as plane hits water. 12:57:26 Day, carrier guns firing; men run to battle stations. Tracers & plane into ocean. Kamikaze hit on smaller ship. 12:57:58 Massive fire on deck of carrier w/ men hosing down burning planes & deck. Tracers surrounding plane. Men run on carrier deck & explosion at side of ship. More planes into water & exploding. 12:59:10 Burning carrier w/ heavy black smoke. View from deck of burning superstructure. WW2 Naval Battles; 1945;