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WWII - 1945, Pacific: Chinese Rebuild Airfields; Bombing China & Japan; Chinese Paratroops R2 of 2

Reel Number: 250163-02

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1945,1940s

Country: China,Japan,USA

Location: Chang Wan,Kyushu,Pacific,Sadowara,Xinyang

TC Begins: 14:09:19

TC Ends: 14:19:23

Duration: 00:10:04

NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: www.footagefarm.co.uk or contact us at: Info@Footagefarm.co.uk WWII - 1945, Pacific: Chinese Rebuild Airfields; Bombing China & Japan; Chinese Paratroops R2 of 2 Map on R1 w/ animation showing Japanese retreat. Nanning w/ C-47 plane landing, mule unloaded, Chinese soldiers gathering supplies; very young / boys soldiers march up road past camera. 14:10:22 Bags of supplies dropped from C-47 onto fields & bouncing. 29Jun45 Aerial low over heavily damaged buildings of Liuchow along river; destroyed bridge. Airbase w/ destroyed hangers, blocked runways. C-47s land, men off. 14:11:33 Men standing at edge of airstrip w/ damaged equipment & body from mine explosion. Chinese coolie sweeping for mine. Large group of Chinese laborers rebuild Liuchow Air Base w/ shovels; people pulling roller. 14th USAAF fighter landing. 14:12:15 Chinese in littered street between nearly completely damaged buildings; walk among downed power lines, gather bricks & cleaning up. Market stalls in street. Chinese soldiers w/ banner & rifles thru. 14:12:48 Map of China from Laohokow, Nanking, Shanghai to Luchow w/ shaded Japanese area & arrows showing bombing runs. Aerial of bombs falling from B-25s over Lahokia railroad bridge approaches. 14:13:20 Converted Mitchell bomber crash lands, crew climbs out. B-25 w/ Chinese markings dropping bombs on 21Jul45 on Lahokia . Explosions & destroying two spans of bridge. 14:14:27 17Jul45 Overhead of first Okinawa-based B-24 strike of 7th USAAF, bombs falling on Chang Wan airfield, explosions. GOOD. 14:15:00 USAAF Okinawa-based B-25s bombing Chang Wan ca 22Jul45. 25Jul45 14th Air Force Medium bombers bombing Xinyang Marshalling Yards. VERY GOOD. 14:15:44 Aerial above formations of C-47s over mountains & Chinese inside preparing for parachute jump, out of planes & floating down onto farm fields. 14:16:46 27Jul45 C-47s dropping supplies & paratroops seen from plane in preparation of USSR entering war against Japan on 09Aug45. 14:17:32 Intertitle: Bomb Japan, Kyushu Jul45. Map of Japan, 16Jul45. Sadowara, Kyushu bound bombers of 7th USAAF bombers, B-25s over many ships; dropping bombs & explosions around railroad bridge. 14:18:23 Map w/ Kagoshima. 27Jul45. 7th AAF bombers w/ bombs falling & exploding on marshalling yards w/ smoke & flames. 14:19:15 Title: The End. WW2 Activities; Pacific Bombings NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: www.footagefarm.co.uk or contact us at: Info@Footagefarm.co.uk

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