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WWII - 1945, US Government Documentary: China Crisis - The Story of the Fourteenth Air Force Pt 3 of 4

Reel Number: 221383-03

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1940s

Country: China,Hong Kong,USA

Location: Hengyang,Hong Kong,Kweilin / Quilin

TC Begins: 08:20:38

TC Ends: 08:30:33

Duration: 00:09:55

NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: www.footagefarm.co.uk or contact us at: Info@Footagefarm.co.uk WWII - 1945, Pacific - Supplying China Pt. 3 of 4 Chinese carry crates; large bombs on poles; men & boys build houses for US airmen. CUs woodworking. 08:21:06 Ground crews of Chinese work on P-40 engines. B-24 landing; B-25 parked & P-51s parked. 08:21:28 American trained Chinese pilots & crews arrive to join the 14th AAF. Men loading bombs. 08:21:52 Air to air, B-24. Men working on salvage pile of old aircraft wreckage & equipment. 08:22:17 Fighting fire on aircraft wreckage on ground. Pilot’s body removed. 08:22:54 Refueling fighter plane w/ hand pump from barrels. Gassing up jeep w/ diluted Chinese fuel. Enormous stack of empty gasoline drums. 08:23:32 Supply train hit at Lujo by Japanese. Loading crates onto planes. Loading drums on trucks. 08:24:21 POV on steam train thru countryside w/ goods, shoveling coal, steam whistle. Loading river boats & sailing on river. Woman poling boat w/ family. 08:24:57 Santa Claus waves from plane window w/ gifts for servicemen in Kwelin / Quilin; gifts passed out. 08:25:15 Practicing very low-level bombing on target. 08:25:34 Map & animation of Asia & Philippines showing range of supplies going to Japan & Pacific islands. 08:26:08 Planes of 14th AAF attack Japanese shipping. Gun camera footage of attacking ships, explosions. B-25s bombing at low level. B-24s seen from air, bomb-site & dropping bombs on Hong Kong. Aerials of explosions. Medals given. 08:28:28 Graphics w/ Japanese response attack points shown. 08:29:23 Fighters strafing mountains w/ Japanese. Japanese film of aftermath of attack by Allies. Dead animals, wreckage. US plane wreckage & body of crew removed. 08:30:14 Starving Japanese prisoners captured from Hengyang by Chinese loaded into truck WW2 Fighting; Air Battles; 8th War Bond Drive; Army Air Force History; Horrors of War; USAAF; Prisoners of War; POWs; NOTE: Partial or entire card sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: www.footagefarm.co.uk or contact us at: Info@Footagefarm.co.uk

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