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WWII - 1945, US Government Documentary: China Crisis - The Story of the Fourteenth Air Force Pt 4 of 4

Reel Number: 221383-04

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1940s

Country: Burma,China,USA

Location: Kungming,Kweilin / Guilin

TC Begins: 08:30:33

TC Ends: 08:40:01

Duration: 00:09:28

NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: www.footagefarm.co.uk or contact us at: Info@Footagefarm.co.uk WWII - 1945, Pacific - Supplying China Pt. 4 of 4 14th USAAF bombers dropping supplies by parachute to Chinese garrison in jungle. View from plane & ground. Airfields after gasoline has run out, pumping from one plane to another. 08:31:08 Animated graphics showing Japanese overrunning airfields. 08:31:19 Pan airfield & Chinese planting mines / bombs to blow up airfields. Bombers in flight. Generals Chennault, Stilwell & Vincent meet at Kweilin & give order to blow up fields. Throwing torch onto gas soaked buildings & supplies. Night & fires burning. Morning & smoking ruins. Ground shots. 08:32:58 Aerial over burned base. Chinese burned village, explosion blowing up runway in distance. 08:33:40 Aerial over airstrip w/ large craters. Lowering of US flag. Combat crews put luggage into B-25 Mitchell bombers & take off. Refugees waiting for trains, eating & sleeping. CU. Fuel, supplies & captured Zero airplane shipped out before people. Trucks, broken down, beside roadside. 08:36:08 Chinese soldiers walking barefoot. Sick & wounded carried. Refugees packed around railroad tracks & trains moving thru. Selling belongings. Refugees helped, carried. 08:37:43 Refugees near Kunming passing new airfields under construction. Burma & moving troops to China front. Fighting & Japanese pushed back. 08:38:28 Graphics of movement during confrontation w/ Japan. 08:39:04 Truck convoys moving up; aerials. Stills of accomplishments. 08:39:53 The End. WW2 Fighting; Retreat; 8th War Bond Drive; Army Air Force History; Horrors of War; USAAF; Starving; Refugees; NOTE: Partial or entire card sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: www.footagefarm.co.uk or contact us at: Info@Footagefarm.co.uk

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