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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221151-03
Color: Colour
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1942-1944
Country: Nicaragua,Panama
TC Begins: 08:26:29
TC Ends: 08:51:29
Duration: 00:25:00
WWII - Color, 1940s: USAAF Daily LIfe & Training w/ Central & South Americans (1942-44) US & Central American officers salute US lieutenant near plane w/ 6th AF insignia. MS pilot into PT-13 w/ Nicaragua insignia. INT South American student mechanics inspect propellers - ‘Columbia’ on overalls. MS over students to instructor near mockup of electrical circuits of plane. CU over shoulder of student to cross section showing gears in hub of propeller. INT Link Trainer / flight simulator in motion; US Staff Sgt. opens hood, gives student instructions. GOOD EXT US officer w/ Venezuelan ? student pilot walking to plane. 08:28:54 INT Lt. Gen. Brett signing paper, hands to someone off screen underexposed. 08:29:28 EXT two GIs toss softball, wooden barracks in BG. AVs mountain w/ clouds above - harbor area w/ mountains in BG. 08:30:42 INT plotting room w/ military men & women taking telephone calls; women move markers on plotting table; CU stick moves marker, other sticks in BG also moving markers; pan, women at plotting table to controller, deputy controller, & fighter officer seated on balcony; controller picks up phone, talks, puts down phone. Long table, clerks take phone calls in plotting room. CU Radar Status clerk & others take phone calls. More shots women work at plotting tables. 08:35:22 MS three pilots wear yellow ‘Mae Wests’ / life vests seated at table questioned by officer. CU GI phone clerk in plotting room removes headset, rubs ears & face, fatigue. Good CU GI w/ thin mustache & cigar removes headset after checking number on blackboard - rubs face, fatigue exaggerated. CU sgt. removes headset, rubs his ear. ECU another GI smokes cigarette. 08:37:27 INT B-24 bomber; waist gunner leaning on 50 Cal. as he gazes out window. 08:37:48 CU weather officer points to weather map on wall; US Tech Sergeant marks weather chart hanging on blackboard, removes headset, registers fatigue; GI erases record of flight from blackboard. 08:38:26 Freighter Sidney H Short docked; lumber stacks nearby. MS Freighter unloading crates on dock. 08:39:30 INT interrogation officers questioning pilots just returned from flight dark. 08:39:57 Off-duty sweating GI in shorts & shirt lying on cot reading magazine, wall covered w/ pin up girls inc. Betty Grable ? - other man seated in FG. CU same - GI wipes sweat from face. 08:40:20 INT CU over shoulders of pilot & co-pilot in C-47 to instrument panel - pilot turns dial. Co-pilot looks out w/ binoculars, throws switches overhead, then pilot & co-pilot consult map. Pilot picks up microphone. 08:41:09 CU Door w/ sign XXVI Fighter Command, VHF Monitor Room. Corporal enters, two women at switchboards; Corporal sits at switchboard. MS & CUs women work switchboards; names on panels. ECU bell button on board, woman's hand presses button. CU Sgt marks weather information on blackboard. M/Sgt to radio telephone, throws switches, starts to talk. MS three GIs & woman at plotting table, work. 08:46:11 CU GI w/ cigar & headset talks over chest phone. GI reads message on teletype machine, walks to phone & makes call. Generals DeFord & Brett discuss map, Brett makes note, hands slip to officer. 08:47:49 Pilots synchronize watches, take notes as weather officer points to wall weather map. 08:49:45 EXT CU three ground crew seated on bench, ground crews & pilots run to P-38s. Good shot of pilots rushing from doorway towards & past camera NB some can’t help grinning at camera. 08:50:15 INT three GIs at typewriters, all w/ headsets, type messages as they receive them; officer passes & pats them on shoulder. MCUs GI & woman at table, plot course of planes. GI picks up phone & talks. WW2; Pacific War Defense; Military Aviation; US Air Bases - Central / South America; mustache; NOTE: Any continuous 13 minutes sold at per reel rate.