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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250189-12
Color: Colour
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1940s
Country: Tunisia,United Kingdom,USA England
Location: North Africa
TC Begins: 21:11:53
TC Ends: 21:26:26
Duration: 00:14:33
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: WWII - Color, 1942, North Africa: USAAF 12th Air Force, British & French Officers, B-17s. 21-26Dec42 Continued... Slate: 21Dec42 Roll 8 Sgt Charles Q Coffman, 12th Air Force. High angle / HA from bridge down on soldiers on equipment w/ tanks & trucks on railroad flat cars passing under bridge. 21:12:20 Airfield, airmen working on engines on ground; plane nose in foreground w/ Pegasus nose art. MS working on motors; CUs. B-17 4-engine plane w/ roof turret begins to taxi. 21:12:54 Slate: 791 09Dec42 Roll 5, 12th Air Force Cpl. H.W. Hartman. Many four-engine bombers taking off past camera. 21:14:14 Slate: 12Dec42 Roll 7 Cpl. H.W. Hartman. leader or light-struck film. 21:14:40 Flash slate: 792. Officers on field standing w/ hymnals ; French, American & British officers standing w/ men at attention. High angle of group & pup tents in background. Awards being pinned on airmen, citations read & hand-shakes. 21:16:05 Flash slate: 793. Americans, French & English officers & shaking hands. Americans into jeep & talking; driving away over rough ground. 21:16:51 MCU of three officers talking, smoking in jeep including Gen. Carl Spaatz . Gracie written on front below windshield. CU standing talking. 21:17:10 Gen. James Doolittle into jeep w/ others. 21:17:30 Flash slate. 794. Formation of planes overhead. 21:17:47 Man cleaning gun barrel on top turret of airplane. Man on dirt cleaning & polishing plexiglass window of turret beneath plane, CU. In entrance to turret. 21:18:44 Officer & man on dirt runway. 21:18:52 Slate: 795 24Dec42 Roll 11, Sgt. Charles Q. Coffman, 12th AAF. Man cleaning barrel of gun in roof turret. LS of plane; men cleaning exterior of plane, MCU wiping w/ rags. View from in front. 21:20:19 Slate: 797 25Dec42 Coffman. Aerial POV past gun barrel from roof or nose turret w/ tanks churning dust below. Aerial of desert w/ roads & bursts from guns firing. View directly below, low. 21:21:26 View of landing past hangers. 21:21:41 Slate: 798 25Dec42 Coffman. 4-engine bomber taxiing across desert ground; taking off . P-38 type plane overhead, landing . 21:23:07 Slate: 800 26Dec42 Roll 16 Coffman. View of long string of army trucks seen from beneath bomber. Men waiting beside & in back of trucks. Trucks pulling artillery leaving. Four-engine bomber formation overhead. Formation seen from under palm trees. 21:24:29 Slate: 802, 26Dec42 Roll 16 Cpl H.W. Hartman. Man cleaning top turret; Air to air of B-17 bomber in flight, multiple views. Over sand dunes. 21:25:55 Slate: 805. American soldiers standing by jeep watching camel caravan passing on road. MCU of Arab on camel. Jeep down road alongside camels. WW2; WWII; Color Film Footage; Dec42; Operation Torch; British First Army; NOTE: Entire card sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: