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Go to HomepageReel Number: H1562-01
Color: Colour
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1945
Country: France
Location: Lorraine,Rhine River
TC Begins: 10:00:10
TC Ends: 10:13:21
Duration: 00:13:11
WWII - Color, 1945, France: Aircraft & Airmen Activity, Lorraine, France. Apr45 Pt. 1 of 2 GIs on grass field beside nose of glider, jeep pulls up; medics unload wooden crates/coffins from glider. MS lifting tail & stand folds under to support. 10:00:49 View from inside to front to nose of glider w/ pilot & co-pilot seats & controls raised. View of jeep backed into glider from inside. GOOD. 10:01:22 Ext of lowering of nose. MLS at rear of glider w/ nose open & medic w/ red beard catching helmet & putting on. 10:01:45 Aerial of C-47s pulling gliders w/ tow ropes visible seen from glider. MS of C47 w/ side door open. 10:02:18 Int. of glider or C-47 (very dark). Paratroops sitting on floor. 10:02:53 Pilot turned & talking to rear of plane. Pilot & co-pilot talking. 10:03:13 MCU German tank in field, white phosphorus explosion from inside turret. 10:03:18 Two-story house w/ wall blown away, women walking past, pan with them. 10:03:23 Pan across down shallow mountain valley over village in bottom, green fields. (some overexposed) 10:03:36 CU road sign: Maizieres L/M This is a French City of Lorraine...welcome our American Liberators. 10:03:41 View of damaged & destroyed buildings along road in sunshine w/ blue sky behind; military vehicles moving in distance. 10:03:46 Aerials of two fighter planes, machine gun barrels on wing of camera plane in foreground. 10:04:04 Aerial of Rhine River w/ city on both banks, 10:04:09 Flight crew playing volleyball on airfield, plane taxiing past in background. 10:04:23 Aerial of largely empty fields w/ smoke rising, burning vehicle on small road. 10:04:42 MCU airman & woman by metal fence, she poses & smiles to camera; MCU of three women. 10:04:56 Trucks loaded w/ German officers, prisoners of war, passing w/ destroyed buildings behind. 10:05:23 Crew & airmen under bomber fitting & lifting large wrapped package & attaching behind metal nose protector. Attaching. 10:06:42 MLS of crew w/ packages outside C-47 on runway; line of C47s angled on runway from in front & behind. 10:07:05 Soldiers around front of C47 beside building & jeep; walk past camera, one w/ black Scotty dog. 10:07:41 Airman in C47 doorway, another leaning out side window. CU insignia patch: American Red Cross Military Welfare Service. 10:08:05 CU Woman carrying pan of doughnuts, airmen taking & CU dipping in coffee, drinking & smiling. 10:08:34 P-47 Thunderbolts taxiing past. 10:08:47 Flooded fields alongside river, pan showing filled valley. 10:09:10 P47s on runway, taxiing & take off; men working w/ shovels alongside runway. Tracked vehicle loaded w/ soldiers past in water. Man straddling & paddling aircraft wing tank, parked P-47 behind w/ tents beside water. 10:10:08 P-47 guided along narrow muddy road. Bulldozer moving muddy rocks on airfield, truck dumping. 10:10:40 Crewmen talking on runway mat, other ride past up bicycles; briefing seated airmen, MS & CUs. Women w/ coffee in back of truck for airmen, others run up. MCU served. 10:12:48 Airman takes another’s picture w/ C-47 behind; walking to plane, seen from inside climbing in. WW2; USAAF; Daily Life;