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WWIII - 1944, Newsreel, USA: Vilna Fighting; Norway Bombing; Leyte School; Homefront; Lend-Lease

Reel Number: 221778-11

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1940s,1944

Country: Canada,England,Germany,Lithuania,Norway,Philippines,United Kingdom,USA,USSR

Location: California,Hollywood,Leyte,North Sea,Philippines,Vilna / Vilnius,Watson Lake,Yukon Territor|

TC Begins: 09:05:21

TC Ends: 09:13:08

Duration: 00:07:47

NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: www.footagefarm.co.uk or contact us at: Info@Footagefarm.co.uk WWIII - 1944, Newsreel, USA: Vilna Fighting; Norway Bombing; Leyte School; Homefront; Lend-Lease Animated title of flags moving across turning globe. 09:05:36 Intertitle: Russians In New Drive. Large Russian tanks past on Vilna dirt road. MCU Russian Generals talking. Soldiers marching. LS across city w/ smoke / haze. MS USSR artillery firing, Vilna in background, explosions in city. Soldiers moving toward buildings; MS flames out window of burning building. View out of building window w/ dead in street, soldier running across. MS dead, soldiers advance past. Pan bricked windows. Artillery fired at warehouse, others. Nazi soldiers surrendering & walking. Shots of dead. Aerial over damaged buildings. Captured prisoners of war / POWs marched past by guards on horseback. 09:07:08 Intertitle: RAF Blasts Nazi Ships. Aerials of aircraft across land & water to Norway & dive bombing / strafing ships in Norwegian harbors w/ ships firing - tracers. Aerial of aircraft formation returning. 09:08:12 Intertitle: Leyte School Reopened. Ext of large building w/ roof missing. Boys carrying desks inside, girls watching. Men & women in warehouse w/ stacks of text books. Jeep filled w/ boys driven past waving children. Children at desks in classroom; MS Teacher / nun & girls at desk, blackboard . Nun writing God Bless America. 09:09:04 Intertitle: Movie Heads Plan ‘March Of Dimes’. Large group wearing ribbons posing outside ?? (source film printed out of frame 09:09:14 - 09:09:21). Basil O’Conner, President of Polio Foundation / National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis, w/ ornate pledge certificate from Spyos Skouras. 09:09:33 Intertitle: One-Woman Lend-Lease. Woman / Carlota Oppenheimer in kitchen preparing bread for baking on kitchen counter; carries large cake; stacks of baked fruitbread / fruitcake. At cupboard w/ large number of jars of canned fruit for American troops in England. US officers w/ Oppenheimer looking at chickens; butler serves glasses to GIs in house talking, toast Oppenheimer. Fresh vegetables dumped into trailer & officers leave in jeep. 09:10:23 Intertitle: Fashions For The Beach. Summer hats & print dresses at NYC Hotel Pierre Fashion Show, Purses, dress w/ safety pin pattern, model winks w/ hat. Many models & styles. 09:11:29 Intertitle: Air Route To Russia. Laying asphalt on Canada runway, constructing barracks, building Royal Canadian Air Force Watson Lake Yukon Territory Observation Tower. Aerial over oil refineries & storage tanks. USAAF fuel truck fueling C-47; LS fighter planes on flight line for lend-lease; MS & Russian pilots out of Operations building talking w/ American & Canadian (?) pilots. Engines started, C-47 taking off, aerial over arctic bushes on mountainside. Planes in formation. 09:13:01 End title: Buy Bonds, The End. WW2 Battles; Rebuilding; Construction; British Homefront; Wartime Relations; People to People; Disease Research; 1940s Women’s Clothes; Cooking; Military Airbase; NOTE: Partial or entire at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: www.footagefarm.co.uk or contact us at: Info@Footagefarm.co.uk

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