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Reel Number: 280006-05

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1971

Country: USA

Location: Fort Dix,New Jersey

TC Begins: 02:57:43

TC Ends: 03:15:36

Duration: 00:17:53

AWOL aka Army Guy sitting on grass saying what he was told when he went into the Army. 02:58:12 Drill sergeant talking to recruits. Unpacking. In line waiting in shorts, examination by doctor. Getting hair shaved off. Taking shower. Issued uniforms; listening in line. 03:00:25 Rifle inspection. Men laying on bunk beds; stills of calisthenics. Gas chamber tests. Pictures of gas effects. 03:01:18 Army recruit in park talking to camera. Bayonet drill, CUs. Bayonet training w/ VO of being assigned mess kits. 03:03:03 Still photographs of basic training, marching etc. 03:03:34 Burning huts in Vietnam & Vietnamese crying. Lead off by military. US army in Vietnam. Vietnamese army & Viet Cong being waved off by villagers. Poling boats thru swamp grass & fighting. 03:05:07 Montage of US landing craft w/ troops out; aircraft carrier & planes taking off; ammo dump; fighter jets past; reconnaissance patrol; wounded GIs treated; helicopters; napalm drops; B-52 bombers dropping. Bodies. Explosions; strafing; firing rifles. Westmoreland & officers. Army out of wrecked US helicopter in water. Army field hospital. 03:07:23 Trailer of flag draped coffins; men carry coffins. 03;07:42 Globe w/ flags stuck in & turned, more & more US flags. 03:08:01 Vietnamese driving bulldozer, unloading lumber. Soldiers as riot control. Planning For Riot Control. Various shots of military w/ fixed bayonets down street, drilling. (NO MUSIC RIGHTS). 03:09:16 Army riot control outside Chicago Convention Center? Anti-Vietnam demonstration w/ placards. People in San Francisco State marching up hallway. Demonstrators sitting on ground. Soldiers in trucks past. 03:10:25 Night & fires. Day & burned-out businesses; army in front of buildings. 03:10:52 Floor of stock exchange. Ticker-tape; Board. TV crews & demonstrators; Army soldiers drilling & barbed wire(negative); newspaper : Vietnam GI Stateside Edition. Placards & posters in CU. Anti-Army demonstration - Free the Ft. Dix 38 & demonstration speaker. Marching along road. w/ Free Military Political prisoners along Ft. Dix road lined w/ troops. MPs running; backing up from protesters. Veterans marching in cities. Various publications supporting military resistance. End. Anti-Vietnam War; Capitalism; Resistance; 1960s; 1970s; Economics;

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