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Go to HomepageReel Number: H2038-01
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1960s,1969
Country: USA,Vietnam
Location: DC,Washington
TC Begins: 01:00:07
TC Ends: 01:16:31
Duration: 00:16:24
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: 1969 Right-Wing Documentary re Moratorium To End The War In Vietnam March On Washington. 15Nov69 Montage: Anti-Vietnam War peace march w/ banners; high angle / HA; CU V-sign; police & chasing hippy’s, closed fist raised. 01:00:27 Low angle / LA CU Daniel Ellsberg w/ microphone speaking, SOF re President to ignore the Moratorium; singing Give Peace A Chance (copyright except in sync?). 01:00:55 Title. 01:01:09 Demonstrators leafleting & marchers w/ placards. 01:01:15 Montage of paintings of American Revolutionary War. 01:01:27 Telephoto of pedestrians, traffic; protest marchers; others outside government building w/ flags, one “bullshit”. Police arresting Black; CU others watching w/ CDU on helmet. CUs listerners; man on cross; intercut w/ paintings of protesters in 1700s & 1800s; labor, suffrage demonstrators. 01:02:45 Banners in wind; protestors. 01:02:59 MCU SOF Fulton Lewis III talks of WW2, Korea, Vietnam wars; other CUs introducing film. 01:04:06 Demonstrators marching w/ flags, police escorting; in park. 01:04:20 MCU Stewart Meacham American Friends Service Committee Education Secretary, SOF. 01:05:14 New Mobilization Committee members in office. CU, SOF, Sidney Peck, Sociologist, Case Western Reserve U., Co-founder of New Mobilization Committee. 01:06:09 CU Douglas Dowd, Cornell U. tells how he became involved at Cleveland in 1966. 01:06:30 Conservative Fulton Lewis talks about “a real pacifist”; Peck speaks; Lewis responds & talks about the people that run the media etc., describes them as being non-Soviet Communists. 01:08:06 Carol Lipman exec. sec. of Student Mobilization Committee, interviewed & laughs about their being called Communists/ 01:08:43 MCU of Joshua Muravchik, Young People’s Socialist League SOF as to why they wouldn’t participate w/ the others; Lipman & Muravchik speak. 01:09:51 CU Phillip Abbott Luce, leftist & now College Director of anti-communist Young Americans For Freedom speaking, SOF re Arnold Johnson. MCU Arnold Johnson of Communist Party USA. SOF, LUCE. 01:11:01 Fred Halstead, Socialist Workers Party, SOF, Lewis responds; Sidney Peck speaks on wanting victory of National Liberation Front in Vietnam. Muravchik SOF, 01:12:22 Representative Richard Ichord Chairman, House Committee on Internal Security, SOF on what anti-Vietnam protesters are trying to do. VERY right-wing. Arnold Johnson replies; Meacham, Fred Halstead, Dowd, Johnson, Muravchik, Meacham all talk about motivation of various people to participate in demonstrations. Muravchik talks about how all communists are power politicians. 01:16:09 Montage of anti-war speakers at committee meetings prior to November Washington demonstration. Continued... Anti-Vietnam; Pro-Government Propaganda; Political Polarization; Politics; NOTE: Any continuous 15 minutes on two cards; 01:00:07 - 01:29:12 sold at per reel rate. VERY poor quality sound. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: