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Go to HomepageReel Number: 280002-03
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1960s
Country: USA
Location: Brattleboro,Vermont
TC Begins: 02:30:34
TC Ends: 02:47:36
Duration: 00:17:02
High School - Brattleboro Pt. 1 of 2 POV thru windshield of car along Vermont roads, traffic; thru Brattleboro downtown. 02:31:27 Police on town square. 02:31:36 Student walking on country road past stop sign; towards camera. 02:32:01 Intercut classroom, kids outdoors, police, police cars. 02:32:30 Students walking in Peace demonstration along county road w/ banners. Leafletting. Sign: Brattleboro Union High School, pan over large brick school buildings & student arriving & inside. Students in hallway & classrooms; girl giving report to class. Teacher & class discussion (MOS). Intercut w/ students outside, hitchhiking, standing. Pan of school & interior stairwell & halls. 02:35:55 POV from car & pan of school. 02:36:06 Alternative School . Students talking in house or ??. Teacher in High School & girl speaking. Kids at Alternative school tearing rags or ties for project & discussing together. 02:38:27 Kid holding Strike leaflet; people on Brattleboro street, pedestrians along stores. 02:38:54 People in meeting in church, town hall or ?? talking in large circle. Students in classroom listening to girl & teacher. 02:40:06 Students arriving at ?? w/ strike placards, US & United Nation flag. Teachers in classrooms, 02:40:46 Students & others lined up for Anti-war demonstration; marching w/ flags, banners from town & along road. 02:41:11 Teacher reading paper, talking to students in classroom. Marchers. Students in classroom, CU boy talking; others laughing. 02:42:36 Small children watching marchers. V-sign; peace symbol; students talking. Leaving school & crossing street. Group w/ placard walking to parking lot, along road, into village & following police car. Crossing steel truss bridge; camera walking w/ group thru village. 02:46:26 Large group sitting on lawn. CUs Speakers platform; peace banner. Large mask; performing groups, speakers. Pan listeners. Continued... 1960s; Alternative Education; Independent Films; Anti-Vietnam; NOTE: Badly scratched at beginning but gradually improves. All hand-held. NOTE: Sold on license fee basis.