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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221568-10
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1960s
Country: USA
TC Begins: 08:26:23
TC Ends: 08:28:37
Duration: 00:02:14
The News Reel Hide And Seek 08:26:27 MCU feet walking in woods & brush; from behind men & women w/ rifle. 08:26:37 CU hands kneading napalm (?). 08:26:46 Night. Low angle car into military base; CU horn; soldiers running w/ rifles, drop to knees & fire at man on bicycle in searchlights. 08:27:03 Day. Cross cutting between civilians from opening walking, running in woods w/ rifles. MS alley, car past police station. Woods, group dressing around fire pit; washing in stream. Assembling rifle, cooking. 08:27:56 Stork (?) in flight; rocket launch; moonscape; burning warehouse building; POV past cleared city blocks. Hands kneading napalm; shell into rifle; rocket lift off. Aerial of military base; two astronauts out of van to rocket gantry. 08:28:37 end of VHS & Beta SP. NOTE: Balance to be dubbed or converted from NTSC digi in storage in VT. 08:28:37 Revolutionary soldier w/ beret & rifle thru woods. Demonstrators in street setting up barricade. Guerrilla rebels in woods doing martial arts exercises. Policeman & protesters in street demonstration. Police pushing; trash in street; police arresting Black man. Demonstrators moving ?? to blockade. Riot police running at night, tear gas, demonstrators running. 08:55:02 Guerillas in woods wait w/ rifles. Astronauts into space capsule; lift-off. Guerillas talking in woods. 08:55:28 Title: Commercial. 08:55:42 Man walking up road, sniper in tree. POV past cleared lots in city. Police behind car. First National City Bank sign on bank building. Riot police w/ rifles; running w/ pistols. Behind cars. Black man arrested. 08:56:25 CU sign across subway stairs: Closed by order of Transit Police Dept. POV along railroad tracks & walking down subway steps. 08:56:42 Abrupt ending. 1960s; Violence; Revolution; Anti-Vietnam Reaction; Organizing; Newsreel Collective; Anti-Establishment; Resistance; Anti-Capitalism; Anti-Capitalist; NOTE: Sold at License Fee. Inquire for price based on production market.