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Only The Beginning

Reel Number: 280004-01

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1971

Country: Cambodia,Laos,USA,Vietnam

Location: DC,Washington

TC Begins: 03:01:06

TC Ends: 03:18:36

Duration: 00:17:30

Only The Beginning The Newsreel - Radical Documentary - anti-Vietnam war film. Long-haired men in army fatigues / clothes throw away honorable discharge certificate & army medals in front of audience in front of US Capitol building. Alan Wallace Lawrence; Skip ??; Vietnam Veterans Against The War. 03:02:05 Vietnam: POV from helicopter past line of army trucks; crossing plains. Line of soldiers approach Vietnamese village; capture & blindfold man; put hood over woman’s head. Villagers & children evacuated; soldiers burn hut. Villagers crying. 03:03:13 Veteran speaks in microphone re propaganda. Targets w/ caricatured Oriental faces. North Vietnamese rowing & carrying boat; pushing cart. 03:04:09 Wounded & dead Vietnamese in boat - gruesome. Black Vet talking at panel discussion & as VO. Vietnamese incl. children treated at field hospital; badly burnt man (napalm); wounded carried in. Native American veteran quotes General Sheridan: “The more you kill this year, the less you’ll have to kill next year”. GIs stand around dozens of corpses, massacre. General Westmoreland. 03:05:25 Burning village; opening sacks of rice; GI holds woman by hair; woman crying; villagers evacuated & relocated. Refugees sit, wait. CUs refugees, child behind barbed wire; smoking remains of village. Young American boy talks re torturing refugees. 03:06:34 Cambodian or North Vietnamese men & women carrying boxes of supplies & weapons on boats, bicycles and carts; activities around river. Vietnamese w/ American officer drilling troops. City fighting. Disabled Vietnamese veterans march to presidential palace; tear gas, disabled men scatter; helicopter lands by GIs. Wounded on stretchers & in rows of stretchers. Wounded airlifted in helicopter. 03:09:22 Soldiers talk re not wanting to get into battle & disobeying captain. Camp & mud. Black & Latino soldiers (young) talk re getting shot at. Men at camp loitering & playing yo-yo. Flock of ducks running. Plane flying overhead firing & people escaping on ground. Fire & firefighters. Destruction. Wrecked Buddhist temple. Montage LS burning city, bombs dropped, US fighter planes in flight, refugees, wounded children, napalm burn, dead children, massacre. 03:12:55 American POW held by Vietnamese. Draft card. Planes drop Agent Orange; destruction and charred trees. Stills Vietnamese refugees. Downs Syndrome child whose mother was exposed to Agent Orange in pregnancy is looked after by nurses. Deformed feet & hands & other deformed children. Bombs dropped. Child crying. 03:14:47 Children crying over coffin in Laos - funeral. Vietcong firing anti-aircraft guns. Night battle. 03:15:58 Veterans throw medals & crowd heard cheering; Black veteran speech re genocidal policies. Atrocities; Anti-Vietnam War; Political Propaganda; Vietnam Against The War; 1968; NOTE: Sold on license fee basis.

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