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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221475-02
Color: Colour
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1969
Country: USA
Location: DC,Washington
TC Begins: 14:11:14
TC Ends: 14:21:44
Duration: 00:10:30
Vietnam Moratorium Day, Night Demonstration - 14Nov69 Pt. 2 of 2 Slate: Kane, 14Nov69 Roll 1. 14:11:34 Intersection, cars moving. Large number of Riot Police w/ helmets past camera. Beside bus arresting & loading. Tear gas fired in Commerce Building entranceway. Cloud of gas behind policeman. Cannisters exploding. Policemen w/ guns loading tear gas. Policeman moves towards camera. 14:13:23 Empty street w/ little traffic & trash in gutter. Man talking to police. Overturned folding tables along street, police moving past. Burning trash in street & on sidewalk at intersection. Police firing tear gas. Motorcade of military police past. Policemen moving forward w/ gas masks & riiot batons, camera follows. Police arresting young men. Woman treated for tear gas at police patrol van. 14:16:12 Police w/ arrestees near Lincoln Memorial, taking names & putting into van, leave w/ broken windshield visible. 14:17:59 Slate: Commerce Bldg. to Lincoln Memorial. Lentini, Roll 4 via Constitution Ave. 14:18:16 Parade marshall w/ walkie talkie. 14:18:36 Slate: Kramer 13Nov69 Roll 1 Marchers w/ names of Vietnam dead past Parade Marshall. 14:19:12 Turning in names at end of march & putting into coffin, walk past w/ candles. Drummers playing snare drums. 14:20:07 Speakers stand w/ banner: Peace Is Patriotic. Washington Monument seen behind. Two demonstrators w/ placards: They Are Our Brothers Whom We Kill; Grieve For All The Victims...; 46000 Americans How Many Vietnamese?. 14:20:45 Marchers w/ names past, lighted Capitol Dome behind. Man gathering name cards. Anti-Vietnam War Demonstration; Protesters; 1969